Description Fisherman Has Narrow Escape In Pictou Hbr.

LOCH BROOM- Wallace Mills very narrowly escaped drowning in the icy waters of Pictou Harbor near the mouth of middle river here Monday morning.

 The well known fisherman was “ handlining” smelts through close to land, had his back to the shore. When he noticed the line being carried by the water, he turned around and found that he was on a 12 x 9 foot pan of ice 200 yards from shore.

 The pan was floating on ten feet of water and high winds were carrying it out, breaking up all the surrounding ice.

 Mr mills called for help for over an hour and was considering swimming but was afraid to do so because of heavy clothing, the icy water and distance.

Alfred Cameron Heard the calls and summoned help. A small dory was haulded down the shore in George corkcum’s truck. The men got it in the water and reached Mr.Mills just as the was was starting to cover the ice pan.



  Let a cake cool before it’s cut. Cooling helps to “set” the cake. For proper cooling, air should circulate all around the pan. This prevents steaming the delicate crust. 

File Location

Original material Box #34

File number: 02-252-06
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: Wallace Mills, Pictou, Middle River, Alfred Cameron, George Corkcum, Loch Broom
Views: 689
Uploaded on: March 18, 2016

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