Description Daniel Fraser

Halifax 15th August 1807

Six months after date I promise to pay Mr. Godfrey Jacobs or his order the sum of one hundred and sixty five pounds --- with lawful interest from this date until paid for value received.

Daniel Fraser



 (on reverse)

Mr. Daniel Fraser

Is to please pay the within a note of 

£165 to Mr. Henderson & Son

Godfry Jacobs

Halifax 31th December 1807

by balance this day on your acct adjusted 

£0.0.0* --

John Henderson

Received the above balance

John Henderson & Son



File Location

vault, original material, box #2

File number: 77-42-2-3
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: note, document, promise, payment, sum, bill, pound, money, merchant, finances
Views: 704
Uploaded on: March 18, 2016

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