Description J D B Fraser

July 27th 1846, Letter, Robt G Fraser

James D B Fraser, Esq., Pictou


Halifax 27 July 1846

Dear Brother

                        I have seen Mr. Ince but could not get the necessary information today as they could not find the copy of the statement sent home but they promised to get it in time for next coach

                        I will purchase a bill from the Bank of NS at three days 5% and send on by the steamer (we look for her Wednesday morning)

                        Mr Merkel has 18 hanging lamps cost $4. you can have the quantity ordered or the whole at your price 17/6 the other cost $5

                        I will send you the amount by first vessel*

£ 6-0-0 per ton.  I don’t know the value between it and Bahama wood but if I can find the party who is in treaty for it likely to take it I think I will buy

                        I cannot get a pair of the goat skin boots to fit  They have good calfskin but the upper are much heavier than the goat but if they will answer let me know

Your afft Brother

Robt G Fraser



File Location

vault, original material, box #2

File number: 77-43-5
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: loan, credit, bark, lumber, shoes, money bill, payment, merchandise, sale, acquire, merchant, goods, finances
Views: 700
Uploaded on: March 15, 2016

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