Description J D B Fraser

May 1st 1846, Letter, R G Fraser, Halifax, --- --- Seeds, etc. 

Jas. D B Fraser, Esq., Pictou

Halifax, 1 May 1846

Dear Brother

The invoice and your three last letters came safe to hand but as I was very busy and nothing particular to notice did not wright

I have sent you two bags and have two more with the mangle sorted* ready but it will not be able to go tomorrow as the coach is very heavily ladened

I am very sorry to hear of Williams misfortune but hope he will soon be better  

Mr. H and Caroline left yesterday morning and will I expect be in Pictou before you receive this.  Caroline does not wish to stay longer than Mr. Hyde I told her I would write you so that they would not persuade her to remain. I wish you could spare time to examine her teeth before she leaves.  Caroline presented me with a very nice gold watch.  I will have yours cleaned and returned by first good opportunity.  I am certainly obliged to you for so long a lone and was about buying it from you.  I have sent the papers by Mr. Hyde which I suppose you have received before this

I will ascertain if the glass can be had and write you by next week 

Say to Dr. Anderson that there is a parcel of varying* apparel* for him on board the Albion which I will have entered and sent to him by first vessel*

I have been very busy but have your things all ready except the corks which will be ready in a few days

Your afft Brother


Do not forget to send Caroline back by Mr. H  She will likely pay you a visit when Mr. H comes back and Mrs. H is busy cleaning house and we want her home

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File number: 77-43-1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Hyde, Caroline Fraser, coach, post, paid, pay, receipt, present, gift, merchandise, goods, Hiram Hyde, merchant, finances
Views: 744
Uploaded on: March 11, 2016

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