Description Postcards, Graham

1.  Sight Seeing Automobile, Providence, RI, 24 Views

Mrs. James Graham, Roger's Hill Centre, Pictou County, NS

(written under flap on front) July 18, Dear Mother, I received your very welcome letter the other day will write to you later.  all well --


2. Burns' Monument, Halifax, NS

Mrs J Y Graham, RFD No 3, Scotsburn, Pictou

Dear folks,  Have arrived in Halifax am waiting for the Boat.  There are quite a crowd of women & children waiting here for the Bost.  I am waiting in the Red Cross Building.  Love to all Lottie

File Location

antique book cupboard

File number: 2016-03-08-2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , colored postcard, patent postcard, 1907
Views: 575
Uploaded on: March 8, 2016
Source: Gordon McLeod

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