Description Certificate of Senior Department

Pictou Academy 

Certificate of Senior Departmen

This Is To Certify that Jotham W Logan has attended the above named department of the Pictou Academy 111 days our of 112 during the term now closing, that his department has been Superior Class Work Superior and the results of the Terminal Examination as in the margin . 

A.H. MacKay - Principal

Pictou, Nova Scotia 

April 23rd 1885 

General Aggregate ..........................................1233

Number of Subjects ..........................................19

Gereral Average ................................................64.8



Second "highest gerenral Aggregate"

First in Eng. Comp,; Eng. Literature ;Geometry : and Elocution 

Second in History and Physiology 


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Original Material Box

File number: 77-197-3
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: Jotham Loagn, Hector McInnes, Pictou Academy, Pictou, Jotham Logn, Jotham Logan
Views: 715
Uploaded on: March 7, 2016

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