Description The Colonial Patriot

Printed in the Colonial Patriot December 21, 1827.


By George Smith, Esq. on the 8th instant, James Crocket, Esq. of Middle River, to Miss Elizabeth Grant, of Green Hill.

Port of Pictou.

Arrived since our last - schooners William Henry, Halifax; Lord Nelson, Arichat, and James Wilham, Halifax.


By last night's Halifax papers, we learn that Lord Dalhousie has prorogued the Assembly, and transmitted despatches to England, by two different routes, giving a detail of the late unfortunate proceedings in Canada.  The Government Brig Kingfisher was sent with one copy of the despatches.  It is always best, that both sides of a story should be heard, and therefore, we learn with pleasure, that the opposition party is about to send a deputation of six M.P.s to give their version of the disputes, to His Majesty's Ministers.     The British Government need information from the Colonies, by different channels that they have been accustomed to receive it, and until some change takes place in this respect, justice can never be done to his Majesty's subjects in these Provinces.  A thousand grievances cross our mind while making this observation.

For our numerous very polite private letters by post, from several counties, we feel extremely grateful.

File Location

vault, microfilm #9, #047

File number: CP21121827p23a2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Colonial Patriot, Jotham Blanchard, editor
Views: 778
Uploaded on: March 2, 2016
Source: The Colonial Patriot

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