Description Will of Alexander Fraser, Middle River, 1804

I Alexander Fraser of Pictou in the County of Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia farmer being of sound mind and memory and considering the certainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.  That is to say* first after all my just debts be paind and discharged I give and bequeath unto my son William One Shilling Halifax currency item I give and bequeath unto the rest of my sons viz: Alexander, Simon, Hugh, David and John and unto my daughters, Catherine and Isbel all the rest of my goods and --- in the following proportions viz:  unto Alexander, David, John each an equal share unto Simon twenty four pounds of Halifax currency less* than to Alexander, David or John and unto Hugh twenty four pounds Halifax currency more than to Alexander, David or John and unto my daughters Catherine and Isbel each one half share or half as much as to Alexander, David or John likewise I make and ordain that Davids than if he do not claim it be divided among the most needy of my children as my executors shall think fit likewise I make and ordain that my son Alexander and James MacGregor, Minister, to be Executors of this my last will and testament here by utterly disallowing and revoking all --- --- by me made    In

In witness where of I have here unto let my had and Seal this Second Day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and four and in the forty fifth year of His Majesty's Reign.

Signed Sealed and delivered by the said Alexander Fraser as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers who have Subscribed our names in the presence of the --- ---   James McGregor, James Chisholm, Ann McGregor

Signed Alexander Fraser, (sealed) (signed with his mark).

Colchester & Pictou County of Probate of Wills} --- 13th February, 1805

This Day Letters of guardianship of Barbara* Wisse* a minor heir of William* Wisse* late of Onslow deceased were gratned to Donald McCully of Onslow yeoman who the nomination as such being of the age of fourteen years and upwards he having first enticed into bonds forth July to execute the trust* reposed in here.

D Archibald, Registerar              Surety, John Culton*} consideration* £ 100



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vault, copied material, box #19

File number: 97-307b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , 97-307a, 97-307c
Views: 802
Uploaded on: March 1, 2016
Source: Dr. Willard Fraser

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