Description Will of William McCabe of Durham, Pictou Co., NS


Will William McCabe, Deceased

Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds
This is the  last will and testament of me William McCabe of Durham in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Blacksmith

I direct payment out of my estate of all just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses

I give devise and bequeath to Thomas Waller all the land estate owned by me lying and situated between the West River Road and the West River to have both and enjoy to the said Thomas Waller his heirs and assigns forever and also the use of the Blacksmith shop and both * *    during the term of the natural life of my beloved wife Nancy.

I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy all the residue of my real estate personal property and my estate and interest therein to have both and enjoy to my said wife Nancy during the term of her natural life and at the death of my said wife Nancy all the said real estate and personal property except what may have been used by her for her own comfort and wellfair shall become the property of the said Thomas Waller and his heirs forever on the Condition that the said Thomas Waller shall continue upon and look after the said property as heretofore

Should the said Thomas Waller fail to comply with the above condition to the satisfaction of my executors hereinafter mentioned then my said wife Nancy shall have full power to dispose of the said residue of real estate and personal property and employ the proceeds for her own support and benefit or for any other purpose which she shall see fit or proper

I hereby and declare to be null and void  all other former wills by me at any time heretofore made.

I  appoint my said wife Nancy and James St ison* of Pictou Merchant the executrix and executor of this my last Will and Testament to which I have subscribed my hand this seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety Seven.
(Signed)        William McCabe    L.S.

Signed by the above Testator in the presence of us both present in his presence subscribed our names as witnesses.

(Sgd)          Wm McKeil
(Sgd)          John Goldsmith 
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills

I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true and correct copy of the last Will and Testament of William McCabe  late of Durham in the County of Pictou Blacksmith deceased  which said will  was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 1st day of February AD 19o6

Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 1st. day of February AD 1906.
John D. MacLeod  Registrar

Office, County of Pictou,  AUG 10  1906  I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 12:30 PM of the above day in Book 4, page 182  on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg

John Yorston  Registrar.



File Location

Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf

File number: 15W - 2354M
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: William McCabe of Durham, Balcksmith, Thomas Waller, 1897, Nancy McCabe, William McKeil, John Goldsmith, James St***ison of Pictou Merchant, 1906
Views: 653
Uploaded on: February 29, 2016
Source: Allan Slaunwhite

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