(Handwritten) - Will in disrepair- very fragile and falling apart where folded
Copy of Last Will and Testament of Peter Ross of Hopewell in the County of Pictou, Esquire, deceased, Testate
Certified by Registrar of Probate
I Peter Ross of Hopewell in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Esquire being of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks unto God for the same but considering the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following namely I direct that after my decease my body be interred at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named in a decent Christian manner becoming my situation in life and that all my just debts funeral expenses and the expenses of proving this my last Will and Testament be just paid and discharged and as to my real and personal property there with it has pleased the Almighty to bless me I - hard to make out words as will is torn at this seam- I will devise and bequeath unto the British and Foreign Bible Society the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the Foreign Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Canada the sum of Four Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church in Canada the sum of Four Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the French Evangelation in connection with Presbyterian Church in Canada the sum of One Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the Theological Hall at Halifax in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Canada for its Endowment toe sum of Two Hundred Dollars, and for its building fund the sum of One Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the aged and infirm ministers fund in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Canada the sum of One Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto the Jewish Mission the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my brother Donald Ross of Clinton Ontario the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto my nephew James Ross of Clinton Ontario jointly with his son Peter Ross my namesake the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. I will device and bequeath unto my niece Isabella McC. Ross the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto my niece Elizabeth Ross the sum of Four Hundred Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my niece Mary Ann McKay now of San Francisco the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my niece Flora Spinney the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my nephew John Peter Ross the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my nieces Mary Sutherland Widow, Catherine Matheson, Christy McPherson and Ann McKenzie of Lairg and Gairloch Pictou unto each of them the sum of Fifty Dollars.
I will devise and bequeath unto my nephew Daniel W. McDonald School Teacher this some a Fifty Dollars together with my furrying and mathematical provided that the (said instruments are by me unsold or otherwise disposed of) for the otherwise disposed of.
I will devise and bequeath unto my nieces the said Isabella McC. Ross and the said Elizabeth Ross their heirs and assigns jointly and securely all that certain lot of land real property situated at Hopewell aforesaid with all the appurtenances and privileges look up the same belonging bring the same lot of land on which I now we side provided always that the said lot of land are by me unsold or otherwise disposed of furthermore I will devise and bequeath under my nieces the said Isabella McC. Ross and Elisabeth Ross jointly and security all my household furniture, movables, chattels, and clothing of whatever kind and wheresoever found in which I make own at my decease to be enjoyed by them further for their own special benefit and behoof.
I will devise and bequeath unto the Presbyterian congregation of Union Church Hopewell the sum of One Hundred Dollars subject to the control and discretion of the Moderator and Session of said congregation at the time of my decease. I will devise and bequeath unto Hector McLean Esquire of Hopewell the sum of Twenty five Dollars. I will device and bequeath unto Andrew McLean of Albion Mines the sum of Twenty Five Dollars. I will device and bequeath unto Margaret Crockett the wife of Joseph Crockett the sum of Thirty Dollars. I will devise and bequeath unto Catherine McLean Widow of John McLean the sum of Twenty Five Dollars. I hereby ordain and direct as a first charge on my Estate that the sum of Sixty Dollars be paid unto Executor hereinafter named and appointed as his remuneration in full for his time and labor in discharging the duties of my Executor as aforesaid. I hereby further order and direct that also as a first charge n my Estate that my Executor shall appropriate a sufficient sum of money for procuring and placing a memorial Tombstone at my grave beside the grave of my beloved wife near who it is my desire that mine may be laid and furthermore if not previously performed to procure in place a memorial tombstone at the graves of my father mother and sister Christy and also enclose the whole ground with substantial in sufficient protecting material after all just debts demands and charges due from my Estate are paid out and discharged together with all expenses bequests orders and charges hereinbefore written.
and all debts security deposit stocks notes and accounts of whatsoever kind collected and that these are any surplus of money still remaining in the hands of my Executor second I further will device and bequeath that the net proceeds of the same shall be given and paid on to the following devisees Institutions an funds namely the British and Foreign Bible Society Mission my said brother Donald Ross of Clinton and my nephew James Ross jointly with his son Peter Ross of Clinton Ontario my nieces Isabella McC. Ross Elizabeth Ross and Mary Ann McKay Widow herein before written and in proportion and other respective funds herein before willed devised and bequeathed unto them respectively, and furthermore I order and direct that in the event of there not being sufficient in my Estate personal to pay and discharged the special bequests hereinbefore written that then the Society Missions last tutions Funds and all other Devises shall respectively receive of the net proceeds of my Estate a sum in proportion to the respective sums first devised unto them respectively. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other testaments wills legacies bequest and Executors by me in any wise before named Willed and bequeathed ratify ordain this is no other as my last Will and Testament. And hereby furthermore I constitute make and ordain Thomas Grant Esquire Riverton East River my Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto my name subscribed and Seal affixed this fifth day of June Anno Domini One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy eight.
Signed Peter Ross LS
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and declared by the said Peter Ross as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence in in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Signed John Fraser
" Evan McDonald
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills ie.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of six folios, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Peter Ross late of Hopewell, in the County of Pictou, Esquire, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court. May 20th. 1879
William A. Dickson Registrar pro tem
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia,
Registrar of Deeds Office, County of Pictou, 11th. October 1879 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 4 PM of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No. 1, pages 1,2, 3, & 4 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate.
John Ferguson Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 3215R |
Contributor: |
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Tags: | Peter Ross of Hopewell, Esquire, 1878, Foreign Bible Society, Presbyterian Church in Canada, Foreign Mission, Home Mission, Theological Hall at Halifax, Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund, Donald Ross of Clinton Ontario, James Ross of Clinton Ontario, Peter Ross of Clinton Ontario, Jewish Mission, Isabella McC. Ross, Elizabeth Ross, Mary Ann McKay of San Francisco, Flora Spinney, John Peter Ross, Mary Sutherland (Widow), Catherine Matheson, Christy McPherson, Ann McKenzie, Lairg and Gairloch, Daniel W. MacDonald (School Teaher), Union Church Hopewell, Hector McLean (Esquire) of Hopewell, Andrew McLean of Albion Mines, Margaret Crockett, Joseph Crockett, Catherine McLean widow of John McLean, late Christy Ross, John Fraser, Evan McDonald, 1879 |
Views: | 949 |
Uploaded on: | February 26, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |