Copy of field notes, survey of line between lands of R A McKenzie and Wm McKenzie. July 1st and 2nd 1920.
Found course of fence between clearings N.68°.W., scant or about 1/4 degree under 68° - went along this fence to a spruce corner tree -- 1st jog in line, thence N. 6 1/4°. E.11.64 chs, and staked thence N.68°. W. scant, at 16.78 chs, found a side blaze on a dry Hem. tree about 5.' west of my line, at 17.90 ch. a dry Hard wood. old blaze on north side, South side rotted off. 12 links West of my line, shifted to it, and continued on N.68°. W. at 19.70 chs. a green Hemlock blazed For and aft three times - very old marks, at 21.10 - a spruce marked F & A, at 22.90 chs. a green Hemlock corner tree marked K MK & D MK, and a witness tree-
Began at this corner tree and ran N.6 1/4°. E. 4.90 chs. to a Spruce corner tree makred K MK on East side, other marks healed over, thence N.68°. W. at 10. chs. and 1. pace, a large Hemlock hollow stub marked with 3. notches for a sight tree, it is a little more than a chain over a ridge, foudn some marked trees about here, about 5 paces North Easterly or to my right from the old line, afterwards had sections from two of them removed and ring counted 25. to 27. said to be on Frasers line
°. & 66°. , sighted in on 68° to Base 39. links N.E. of mine. no corner or witnessess on base of it, thence N.6 1/4°. E. along a well marked line (called the Philadelphia line) 13.22 chs. to a Beech corner tree. (place of Beginning in old Deed) the old marks were healed over, I marked R A MK on the bark, then returned & corrected the line yesterday back to clearing and set up a marked corner post in the evening we sighted and measured the section of the line across the valley and road to clearing on top of Green Hill, found the course of fences irregular (not correspondingn to plan) and the slope of hill so steep that chain measurements was merely an approximation. Assistants. Alex. Murray, Raymond Gammon, R A McKenzie, and on 2nd in addition John McDonald.
Green Hill, Pictou Co NS
July 3rd 1920
vault, original material, box #11
File number: | 86-59a |
Contributor: | Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions |
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Views: | 731 |
Uploaded on: | February 22, 2016 |
Source: | R Albert McKenzie |