Description Agreement, 1803

I hereby acknowledge that I have this day rented and leased from James Patterson for the term of three years from the date here of as much of the wood lands of his lot upon which he resides as I am able to clear and improve during the above period upon the following terms and conditions viz.   He is to furnish me with a milch cow which is to be delivered to me this day and to be mine and at my risque during the time above specified at the end of which period I am to deliver to him the same cow or one of equal value (and I am not to sell the cow to any other person).  But the whole increase of said cow is to be my own.  He is to furnish me with hay or fodder for the cow this winter or spring and pasture for his next summer.  I am to put up, erect or build a log house for my self on this place.  I shall improve of the above lot, he finding me slabs to cover the same.  In consideration of all where of I am to clear and have in crop yearly.  Two acres of land, viz. I am to have fully fit for crops, at the end of the above term six acres and what I labour --------- fit for crops.  He is to pay me at the rate of ten shillings per acre.  He is to have the liberty of cutting and hauling off whatever pine wood he may have occasion for off any part of said lands.  I am not to remove from said land at the expiration of said term with my family and affects without ejectment or legal measures.  

----In witness I have subscribed these present at Pictou this Fiftenth day of November AD 1803.

Donald Cameron                                          his

James Oughterson                                Henrey X McAnguis

witness                                                      mark

File Location

Vault, original material, box #19

File number: 00-14
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: property, cultivate, develop, home, Pictou Town, McAngus
Views: 707
Uploaded on: February 22, 2016
Source: --

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