Description The Elliott Centenary Memorial

"The Elliott Centenary, 1829-1929, St. James' Church, Pictou, N.S." A 4-page brochure commemorating the arrival of the Reverend Charles Elliott at Pictou Town. Page 1 - a photograph and short biography of the Reverend Charles Elliott (1805-1871). Page 2 - a photograph of the Church of St. Cyr, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire and a drawing of "the house still standing, which was built as a residence for Mr. Elliott." Page 3 - a drawing of "the hall which it is proposed to erect as a memorial to Rev. Charles Elliott, first Rector of Pictou Parish." Page 4 - a letter from the Rev. A.E. Andrew, rector of St. James' in 1929.

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Contributor:    Mark Gallop | View all submissions
Tags: Elliott, St. James' Anglican Church, Pictou, Andrew
Views: 788
Uploaded on: February 7, 2016
Source: Mark Gallop

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