Description Letter To Elizabeth McCulloch

My Dear Elizabeth                                                                 Monday July  1823 

    By Uncle William I wrote you a very long letter which I hope you have been able to make out. Uncle Thomas returned from Boston last week and we are now expecting Uncle Larrid in the course of a short time, a vessel came up on Sabbath morning that sailed six days pervious to the time he expected to leave Jamaica so that if wind and weather serve (as sailors say) he may be here before many days.

   Grandfather has collected some very beautiful wild flowers, I wish you had some of them to plant in the swamp for they do not appear to thrive so well in the garden, when you write let me know how often your mother gave her cactus water in the course of a week, the one she was so kind as send me looked so beautiful this spring. So full of blossom buds that I was afraid there would be too many. but whatever was the cause not one of them came out, although the plant is apparently thriving. I have sent you Greece it may amuse you and Thomas James to read and consider the great changes time has made in those places of which you read in your new testament, as the places in which the *** Paul Preached the gospel and planted Christian Churches, much good instruction may be gained in reading History if we would allow a little time for reflection on what we read and what we see passing before us in the world.

   Let me know if you still the Influenza still among you, a great many have had it here—

Is your fathers vacation this month or the month of august? I love to father, mother, and Thomas, Remember me Kindly to Elvia and Mrs. Chipman and the children.

Your Affect Grandmother


I.W. McCulloch.

File Location

Original Material Box # 17

File number: 97-347.5
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: William McCulloch, Thomas McCulloch, Isabelle McCulloch, Elizabeth McCulloch, Thomas James McCulloch, Jamaica, Pictou
Views: 684
Uploaded on: January 29, 2016

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