Description Mechanic & Farmer, 21 Sept 1842

Wednesday Morning, September 21, 1842

By arrival of the steamship Acadia at Halifax on the 16th, in 12 days and 8 hours from Liverpool, we are put in possession of English news to the inst.  In addition to our papers, we have received two interesting letters - both of which we have published in this day's paper.   In one of these the reader will find a faithful detail of the Agricultural movements in Europe.  The other affords an interesting synopsis of all the passing events of the previous fortnight.

The steamer "John McAdam" is advertised for sale in the Halifax papers.  She now lies in this port.  This splendid vessel is 250 tons admeasurement - 100 horse power - 125 feet keel - brigantine rig.  She presnets a fine appearance on the water, and has excellent and ample accommodations for the passenger boat.

It appears by the British papers that the North American Mail Company, are again applicants for an addition to their subsidy of £ 80,000 per annum.  Their new ship "Hibernia", was to be launched at Greenock, on the 8th inst.  She is 200 tons larger than their present vessels, and of greater power. 

We regret to learn that it has been officially announced in England, that the Great Western Steam Ship Company are in embarrassed circumstances, and are obliged to sell out.

Accounts form the East of France, from Alsace and the contiguous parts, represent the corn harvest as abundant.  The European of the 4th inst., states, the crops in the United Kingdom collectively to be a full average.  The Mark Lane Express on the other hand, seems to doubt that this is the case; but acknowledges that sufficient authentic information has not yet been obtained from the country to warrant a decided opinion. 

We are under repeated obligations to Mr. J. Clayton, London, for files of British papers. His last favour was peculiarly acceptable.

Fruit. - We regret to learn that a wholesale system of plundering orchards has been carried on in Pictou, for some nights past.  Strong predilection for the forbidden fruit seems still to exist in people's minds.

We have just enjoyed a week of fine weather - highly favorable for fall farm work.

Why is This? - The Royal Mail Steam Company's effects at Halifax, consisting of coal, stages, hand-barrows, shovels, & c., are advertised to be sold at auction on the 27th instant.

Sock - a Change - a gentleman in Halifax, who purchased an Essex Boar, imported by the Board of Agriculture, is now

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vault, micro film #1

File number: MF21091842p3
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Acadia, Halifax, Liverpool, John McAdam, Hibernia, St. George, Unicorn, Loyalist, Langlois, H. Hatton
Views: 764
Uploaded on: January 28, 2016
Source: Mechanic & Farmer

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