Description Pictou Advocate, The Grant Home

New Caledonia Lodge No. 11, A.F. and A.M. of Pictou, has purchased the Pictou Academy Girls' Residence from the Pictou Academy Educational Foundation.  The fine residence on High Street, the former summer home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Geddes Grant of Trinidad, was give to the P.A.E.F. some years ago by Mrs. Grant shortly after Mr. Grant's death.

During the war years it was leased to the Navy League of Canada as a Navy Hostel and thousands of sailors found it a home from home while in Pictou.  For the past year and more it has been put to its original use as intended by the donor, but the increase in the use of school buses in West Pictou has made its operation as an Academy residence impractical from an economic standpoint.

The Masons intend making extensive alterations to the residence, removing partitions on the second floor to turn it into lodge rooms, and fitting up the lower floor as recreation rooms.   Large and commodious, situated with a splendid view of the town and harbor and with surrounding beautiful grounds, the residence will give the Masons a place for lodge meetings and social functions hard to equal in the Maritimes.

File Location

Vault, microfilm #41, #104

File number: PA22011948p1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Fraser, Grant, High Street, Masons, Pictou Academy, Pictou Academy Girls Residence, New Caledonia Lodge, Trinidad, navy hostel, T Geddes Grant, renovations, residence, Navy League of Canada
Views: 800
Uploaded on: January 20, 2016
Source: Pictou Advocate

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