Description Eastern Chronicle, 30 Oct 1884

Obituary. - Two of our oldest citizens passed away within a few hours, on the 21st inst. Robert Gordon was a native of Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and born, as nearly as can be ascertained, in 1786.  About the beginning of the present century he, accompanied by his parents, emigrated to this country, and settled at Lower Barney's River.  The remains of his parents repose in the old graveyard at the latter place.  After a short residence here, Mr. Gordon moved to the East Branch of B. River, but subsequently about 70 years ago, exchanged his property there with the late James Robertson for the farm near Avondale where he ever since resided.  Mr. Gordon was a man possessed of intelligence, a good memory, and great firmness of purpose.  He was well read, well informed, and took an interest in public affairs.   He was a cheerful and agreeable companion, and until a year or two ago when his memory became somewhat weaker, would relate, in forcible language, many interesting, social and political incidents connected with the early history of the County.  He was blessed with an iron constitution, was never sick, and at the advanced age of 98 years passed away as a piece of smooth running machinery - merely worn out.  His family consisted of five sons and six daughters, eight of who survive him.  Three of his sons are in California, the eldest being one of the many thousands who went to that land of gold shortly after the great discovery of '49. --Robert McDonald was a son of the late Joseph McDonald, one of our pioneers, and was born at Avondale on the 16th of August, 1797.  He was the eldest of a family of seventeen children, 11 of whom survive him.   In early youth he settled on a portion of his father's property, and spent the years of a long life within a gun shot of the place of his birth.  Mr. McDonald was a good neighbor and an humble Christian, living in peace and good will towards all men,  and died without an enemy.  'As a shock of corn fully ripe.'--John A. McKenzie died at Garden of Eden on Saturday last.  He was a native of Kenzieville, B.R., and a printer by trade, having entered the office of the New York Witness fifteen years ago and employed there at intervals ever since, as his health would permit.  Being of a rather delicate constitution, he was forecd to resign his position in June last and return home.  He was a young man of good parts, steady and industrious, and will be regretted by a large of friends, and his old schoolmates here. 

File Location

Vault, microfilm #8, #45

File number: EC30101884p2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Avondale, Barneys River, Kenzieville, Garden of Eden, Sutherlandshire, obituary 1884, California, Joseph McDonald
Views: 783
Uploaded on: January 19, 2016
Source: Eastern Chronicle

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