Description Pictou Academy

Pitcou Academy 

26th Novemeber , 1845 

The trustees of the Pictou Acadmey have the satisfaction to announce that the repairs of the building are now completed and that the Fire Department under the superintendance of Mr. Alexander McPhail is now open for the reception of pupils.

Tickets of addimission may at any time be obtained, by application to Mr.James Crichton, Treasurer of the institution.

In this Department instruction is given in English Reading and Spelling, Grammar and Composition , Writing, Arithmetic , Book- keeping , Practical Mathematics, including Navigation and Land surveying and Geography with use of Globes.

Fee- Eight Shillings pre Quarter in advance, Hours of attendance during the winter months; from 9 A.M. to 12 noon, and from 2 till 4 P.M. 

During the winter months six pence additional, per Quarter , will be charged for fuel, & c.

Mr.McPhail will give the necessary information as to the Books, & C. Required for this course.

Arrangments are being made to procure Masters for the other Departments. When these are completed due notice will be given.

By order of the Board.

WM. Jas . Anderson, Secty.

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File number: 77-254-4
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: WM. Jas . Anderson, Mr. Alexander McPhail, Mr.James Crichton, Pictou, Pictou Academy
Views: 502
Uploaded on: January 14, 2016

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