Description Supreme Court Certificate Discharge of Judgement between Stephen A. Binney and David Matheson


In the Supreme Court October Term 1843

Certificate Discharge of Judgement

Stephen A. Binney and David Matheson

Pictou S.S. In the Supreme Court October term 1843

Cause - Stephen A. Binney - Plaintiff

            David Matheson - Defendant

I do hereby certify that satisfaction on the Judgement in the above Cause for the Plaintiff for the sum of Two hundred and twenty seven pounds three shillings and four pence Debt and Costs of suit as of the Term of October One Thousand eight hundred and forty three in the Supreme Court at Pictou has been duly entered by the Plaintiff in the Prothonotary's Office of said Court at Pictou this third day of August, 1854.

Given under the Seal of Said Court of Pictou this third day of August A.D. 1854

Seal affixed

Signed Jas. Skinner Proy.

Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office, Pictou 3rd. August 1854 I certify that the within instrument was registered at 2 o'clock P.M. of the above day in Liber 39 folio 434 on the certificate of James Skinner Proy.

Peter Crerar, Rgr.

File number: 15SC -1021B
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: Stephen A. Binney, David Matheson, 1843, 1854
Views: 748
Uploaded on: February 9, 2015

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