Description Pictou Advocate, 17 Dec 1907

In our list of obituaries to-day will be found that of Hiram Hyde Esq., of Truro, who passed away early Saturday morning at the good old age of 89 years.  His name is a familiar one in these parts, although only our gray-hared men and women will be albe to recall the days in which it was associated with the then important work of carrying Her Majesty's mails between Pictou and Halifax, and incidentally those passengers who sought the quickets means of travel between these points.  For many long years Mr. Hyde's teams crossed the province, and later kept up communication between Truro and Pictou, after Truro and Halifax were enjoying the advantages of rail communication.  In the early 50's, possibly before that date, Mr. Hyde was so engaged.  His stables in Pictou were located to the southeast of the Revere Hotel site, where Mr. D. Fullerton afterwards erected a store.  Some of our older residents could perhaps tell of a personal experience in travelling by coach to Halifax.  Of Mr. Hyde the Truro News says:  Mr. Hyde has physically been one of the most wonderful men of our town, and a few days ago was in our midst as bright and as lively as a man of 60.  He caught cold and pneumonia setting in he was unable to rally from the attack, and passed peacefully away at his comfortable and cosy rooms in the Victoria Hotel, were he had been residing since the destruction by fire of his home in Wentworth a few months ago.  Everything that loveing friends and a physician's skill could do, to relieve pain and save his life if possilbe, was done, but all were of no avail.  Death claimed its own, and there was passed from our midst on of the most wonderful men that ever lived in Truro - a connecting link, indeed, with Truro's historic past.  Relatives in New York have been communicated with in regard to the hour of the funeral, which will ben on Monday or Tuesday.

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Vault, microfilm #9, #72

File number: PA17121907p1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: stagecoach, mail route, mail delivery
Views: 496
Uploaded on: December 17, 2015
Source: Pictou Advocate

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