Description Sir John William Dawson

Cabinet card of Lady Margaret and Sir John William Dawson together in their parlour at 293 University Street, Montreal, Quebec and separately in their wedding photos below.  Possibly a celebration photo for their golden wedding anniversary. 

Both of the Dawsons signed the card:

Margaret A Y Dawson, nie Mercer

J Wm Dawson

March 19th 1847 - 1897,

March 19th, 1847 being their wedding date and most likely 1897 being the date of the card.  John William Dawson would die two years later on November 19, 1899 at the age of 79.

The cabinet card was taken by William Notman & Son, 14 Phillip Square, Montreal

File Location

Photo Cabinet, Drawer #1

File number: 77-141-1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Quebec, 1897, Mercer, Edinburgh, Pictou, McGill University
Views: 722
Uploaded on: December 16, 2015

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