(Handwritten) Deed of William Beer to George Perin the 1st. THIS INDENTURE made at River John County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia this second day of March in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty four Between William beer of River John aforesaid, in the County aforesaid and Province aforesaid, Farmer, of the one part and George Perin "the first" of the aforesaid River John Farmer of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said William Beer for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds currency of the foresaid Province of Nova Scotia to him in hand paid by the said George Perin the first at and before the sealing or delivery of these presents the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged HATH granted, bargained, sold aliened enfoffed released and confirmed DOTH grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said George Perin aforesaid to his heirs executors and administrators and assigns Forever a certain lot or piece of Land Situate lying and being on the north line of lands owned by David Perin beginning six and a half chains thence running east bounding on ten corner of lands owned by Christopher Langile thence running north eighty one chains thirty links bounding on lands owned by the before mentioned Christopher Langile thence west bounding on lands owned by Robert Patterson nine chains thence running south to the place of beginning containing Fifty Acres more or less To Have and To Hold the said lot of Land and premises with all the buildings and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging in any wise appertaining to him the said George Perin aforesaid his heirs executors administrators and assigns to his and their only use benefit and behoof forever and the said William Beer with the consent of Ann his lawful wife who doth also by these presents resign and align over all her right and title to Dower or other interest of in and to the aforesaid Lot of Land and Premises hereby binds himself to his heirs Executors administrators and assigns against the lawful claim or claims of all and every person or Persons to warrant and defend the said George Perin aforesaid his heirs Executors administrators and assigns in the quiet and Peaceful Profession of the above conveyed Premises Forever. In Witness whereof the said William beer and Ann his wife aforesaid have hereunto Leverally their names Subscribed and Seals affixed the day and year first above Written. Signed William Beer (seal affixed) Signed X her mark Ann Beer (seal affixed) Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of SIgned David Perin Signed Christopher Perin Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture from the therein name George Perin "the first" the sum of Twenty five pounds of lawful money of the Province of Nova Scotia being in full the consideration therein mentioned to be paid by him to me. Signed William Beer Signed David Perin Witness Signed Christopher Perin Witness Pictou To Personally came and appear before me Kenneth MacLean one of Her Majesty's Justice of the Peace for the County of Pictou Ann Beer wife of William Beer who saith that she did voluntarily Relinquish all her Right of Dower in and upon the said Lot of Land and Premises Signed Sealed and delivered this Indenture Signed K MacLean J.P. River John S.S. County of Pictou Personally came and appeared before Kenneth MacLean one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid, Christopher Perin one of the subscribing witness to the written Indenture who saith upon oath that he was present at the delivery of the within Deed to the said parties therein named in the foregoing deed. Signed Christopher Perin Served at my office this 14th day of Janry. 1847 K. MacLean J.P.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15D - 1025B |
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Tags: | William Beer of River John, George Perin the 1st of River John, Ann Beer, Christopher Perin, Robert Patterson, Christopher Langile, David Perin, 1844, 1847, |
Views: | 1002 |
Uploaded on: | February 5, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |