Description Deed of Edward Brydon of Middle River, Pictou Co., NS

(Hand written) Deed Edward Brydon to James Murphy (Paper has been ripped along top and in the middle) *** all men by these presents that I J. Edward Brydon of the Middle River of Pictou Province of Nova Scotia and County of Halifax have sold unto James Murphy a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the West side of the Middle River of Pictou aforesaid being part of lands granted to Walter Patterson, butted and bounded as follows to wit beginning at a stake and heap of stones on the line run by Thomas Harris between Robert Brydon Deceased and David Archibald ten rods from the river more or less thence North seventy degrees West eighty five rods to a (maple-torn here) tree more or less thence south twenty degrees East Eighty five rods thence North twenty degrees East forty one rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty acres more or less have assigned transferred and made over and by these presents do assign transfer and make over unto the said James Murphy his Executors and assigns all the rights title and Interest that I have or had or may have in or upon or to the said improvements and by these present I the said Edward Brydon do defend the aforesaid James Murphy and his heirs in the quiet and peaceful profession of the same without trouble or molestation from me my heirs or assigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully Claiming the same from by or under me or any of my heirs or by any or other of our costs or deeds or means of procurements in Witness thereof I the said Edward Brydon sign and seal these presents as within mentioned this third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and seventeen in presence of the after named Evidences the Consideration money as ten pounds. Signed Edward Brydon (seal affixed) Signed William Fraser Received from James Murphy the sum of ten pounds being the Consideration money from the aforesaid mentioning lands. Signed Edward Brydon Signed William Fraser Received at Pictou Pursant to the Law of the Province Lileo G. Folio 683 on the oath of William Fraser. 6th. April, 1824 Hugh Denoon Dy. Rgr.

File number: 15D - 1024B
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: Edward Brydon of Middle River, James Murphy, Walter Patterson, Thomas Harris, Robert Brydon deceased, David Archibald, William Fraser, 1817, 1824,
Views: 1008
Uploaded on: February 5, 2015

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