I Alexander Murray Senior of Hardwood Hill in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, Farmer, being at present aged and infirm in body, but of good sure and perfectly disposing mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, viz.
First and principally I earnestly commend my soul to God and my body I commit to the dust to be buried in such decent manner as my executors herein after mentioned shall see fit. And secondly, as touching such worldy effects and estate as God has been pleased to bless me with I devise and bequeath to my son James the farm on which I now reside on the condition that he maintain his mother with the following portion during her life viz. that her dwelling house in which we now reside be kept by him in good order and repair; ~that he supply her with sufficient fuel, that he fence and keep well fenced for her the garden and three acres of clear land adjoining the garden;~ that he supply her with a barn for her produce;~ that he maintain for her two milk cows and a heifer and five sheep all well fed both summer and winter; ~ that he give her twelve bushels of wheat annually, thirty bushels of oats annually, thirty bushels of potatoes annually, one hundred pounds of beef annually, a half barrel of herring annually, fifty pounds of codfish annually, six pounds of tea annually, and twenty pounds of sugar annually, and that he let her have her choice of the two horses for her use, which horse however is also to work the farm. And if he neglects or refuses to give his mother all the above as her portion she has the power to let the farm to another.
I also devise and bequeath to my son Hugh one shilling lawful money of this Province; to my son Alexander one shilling lawful money of this Province, to my son John one shilling lawful money of this Province, to my son Simon one shilling lawful money of this Province; to my daughter Christy twenty shillings lawful money of this Province, to my daughter Betsy twenty shillings lawful money of this Province; to my daughter Mary twenty shillings lawful money of this Province; to my daughter Catherine twenty shillings lawful money of this Province, and to my daughter Sarah twenty shillings lawful money of this Province.
And I hereby nominate and appoint Mr. William McKenzie, Elder and Mr. Duncan McLeod, both of Roger's Hill and the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia as executors of this my last will and testament and I hereby revoke and make null and void all former wills and testaments by me made at anytime heretofore and do declare this to be my last will and testament by which I further devise and bequeath that the above named executors shall be paid out of my said property such fee and reward as may be lawful for their trouble and intermissions.
In witness where of I have hereinto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven years.
File number: | 02-142 |
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Tags: | Roger's Hill, William McKenzie, Duncan McLeod, Hugh Murray, Red Sandy, John Murray, Simon Murray, Christy Murray, James Murray, Betsy Murray, Mary Ann Murray, Catherine Murray, Sarah Murray |
Views: | 942 |
Uploaded on: | November 18, 2015 |
Source: | John Murray |