Know all Men by these presents that I Duncan A. MacDonald of Bridgeville East River in the County of Pictou, Miner for and in consideration of the sum of fifty-three twenty-two of lawful money of Canada to me in hand paid by Jennetta a McLennan of Sunny Brae East River in the county of Pictou Merchant to sell and convey to the said Jennetta a McLennan one Horse Red Color about 16 years, One sett of canopy harness, One Riding Waggon.
Warranted free of incumbrancers and against any adverse claims upon condition that if the said Duncan A. McDonald pay to the said Jennetta A. McLennan the said sum of fifty-three twenty-two in six months with interest Agreeable to a promisary note of this date for that sum payable to the said Jennetta A. McLennan or order in six months with interest. This Deed Shall be void other wise to remain in full force and effect the said Duncan A. McDonald and Jennetta A. McLennan hereby agree that until the condition of this investment is broken the said property containing of one red horse about 16 years , one sett of harness, one riding waggon.
May remain in the possession of the said Duncan A McDonald but after the said condition is broken the said Jennetta A McLennan may at her pleasure take and remove the same and may enter into any building or premises of the said Duncan A McDonald for that purpose witness our hand and seal this 14 the day of may in the year of our lord one thousand and eight-hundred and ninty.
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Henry McKay.
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou
I Duncan A McDonald of Bridgeville in the county of Pictou Miner make oath and say as fellows
I am the grantor mentioned in the accompanying bill of sale the amount set forth there is as being the consideration there of is justly and honestly due and owing by the grantor to the grantee and the Bill of sale was executed in good faith and not for the purpose of protecting the property mentioned there in against the creditors of the grantor or the protecting the creditors of such grantor from obtaining payment of any claims against him.
Sworn to at Bridgeville
In the county of Pictou
This 14th day of may
A.D. 1890
John McPhie
I certify that henry McKay subscribing witness to this bill of sale
Made oath before me that the same was signed and executed in his presence by there in named Duncan A McDonald and Jennetta A McLennan
Date 14th A.D. 1890 John McPhie .
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 12M-16 |
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Tags: | Duncan McDonald, Jennetta McLennan, Henry McKay, John McPhie, Bridgeville, Sunny brea, Horse, Waggon, Harness |
Views: | 748 |
Uploaded on: | November 6, 2015 |