Description Letter from Rogers Hill, 1854

                                               Rogers Hill, Nov 14, 1854

Dear Uncle,

  In the first-place, be particular in selecting a good stock to breed from.  When the mare is near foaling let her be to herself and if early in the season let her have a good roomy stable to foal in, and in good weather, let her and her colt be turned in a lot (of wheat I prefer).  Wean the colt the first of October in a stable, until is is done smickering after its dam, then turn in in a lot, if you have more than one, they will do best together.

  I would recommend a mare of good form and thorough blood though she cost the most, because her colts would cost no more to raise them than those from an ordinary mare, and woudl probably sell for more than three or four times as much.  The reason I would wean in a stable is, that in the usual way of weaning in cornfields etc, the colts run themselves poor before they are weaned.  I prefer wheat lots for mares and colts because they like it better than anything else, and I think it agrees better with them.  I find oats made use of as above stated, not only the most healthy and best, but also the cheapest food for mares and colts.  In pursuing the course laid down I obtained the following results:  I selected a mare which I knew to be of good stock; but from inproper raising was only four feet six inches high and very delicate; The first removal from her was four feet ten inches; the second removal five feet; the third was five feet two inches;  the fourth was five feet six inches

    The following answers were returned William R. Johnson, to questions propounded by J. Marshall, of Fauquier Co. Va.

1. Keep the colts in pretty good order, not too fat, untill they are two old, then break them gently.

3 and 4. Grass lots are best, and short grass

6. Give corn in the winter, oats in the summer; not more at a time than they eat clear.  When they are once fat very light feeding is best.

8. Wean the colts at about six months old.

            Mr. John McKay                          Donald McLean         

                                                                 Co. Pictou


                                    Dalhousie Mountain        


for she hath greater treasures farther then east or west

and her rewards more precious are than all stores of gold

riches with honours splendour joins are what her left displays


according as her labours rise so her rewards increase

are peace


File Location

vault, original material, box #18

File number: 98-41-12
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Rogers Hill, Dalhousie Mountain, horses, colts, feed, care, stock, stable, Michael Bruce poem, John McKay, Donald McLean, Mt. Dalhousie, Roger's Hill, 98-41-14, 98-41-13
Views: 900
Uploaded on: November 3, 2015
Source: Rev Bruce Munro/Ruth Munro

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