A letter from Alexander MacKay, Dalhousie Mountain, to his son John in Oxford, London District, Care of --- Gordon Esqr~ dated 27 Nov 1835.
Dalhousie Mount Nov 27th 1835
Loving son
Your agreable and sensible letter came to my hand on the 25th of October last; which refreshed your Father Mother Brothers Sisters and your relations all; we understand that your first setting on the tedious kout* was disagreable; as also distress and fatique in other parts of it_ you and your cousin Samuel and I have --- reason to thank the merciful preserver of men for your safe arrival and health_ thanks to his holy name through Jesus Christ_ I know you got a kind reception from John Mckay my Brothers son I understand he is married may they have great success and great ---faction in one another. While they remain in this wilderness_ he is very worthy of many thanks from you and from me and also from Johana for his offers_ it dignifys his character that he hath such a gratifull mind to his relations_ but surly if I would have such oppertunity of giving him land here as he hath to give us land there I would advise him to come to Nova Scotia_ for by the account of scripture and his Tory the disregard of the sabbath is certainly a forerunner of gods judgement_ you said your Uncles son keeps a good example in his family I am well pleased for that_ but I believe that lot was pious in his family and very where yet I need not tell you what departure he behaved to make from sodom turn over
Loving son I believe it is of God that you are inclined to come home I also Believe that the sight of the land is charming and the production generally great_ but you are now convinced by the sight of your own eyes that there is many things by the good government of Heaven these to counterballance the goodness of the land_ I am well pleased with your attention in stating the plain truth; for that is sense which will stand proof_ and passing several things that is to be regreted there; to that important two_ the want of established gospel Ministry and by reason of the various professions and the fewness of one profession to join; that that there is no prospect how soon _ and the other a wholsom climate_ a man of any consideration should think what is like to be the consequence
You wish to know how is Angus coming on with the farm business_ he cut all the grass and hall it his lone save the assistnace of one man one day we have good crops and grass and grains and very good potatoes and plenty of it we never had better_ we had plenty of rains in the summer and fine weather in the harvest season_ our crops got no damage from either rains frost or mildew_ may the glory be to the Trinity_ there is some places through the country that their potatoes were frost bitten however there is plenty of all necessarrys through the country except money_ after digging the potatoes Angus was stumping and ploughing the old pasture_ and surely there is no mortal that could do more than he did until the snow stopped him; and that with very little help save Diamon and Tome
he is very glad that you promise in a short time to come to help him Alex and his family is in health; he got the cropts in the old place in safe he hath good potatoes in the new place his is still in his old residence he is very glad that you are comming home; you have reason to be thankfull here is no relation nor any acquainted with you, but that is wishing you home_ we have stout snow since seven days back and also firm frost I hope you will keep a journal of the weather there as well as on other things. Merran your sister is ordinary health and is how much she can attached to the study of Gramer Arithmetice and writing_ you wish to know how is your mother and I since you went away, we have reason to thank god for the portion of time and health we enjoy although the health is not constant we are not yet confined_ Angus your Uncle was very poorly in October last but he is gratiously restored to his former feeble state health_ Willm Murray from Dunrobin a quite and civil man was burried since two days as I am told he feeled a --- n his head and expired in twenty four hours_ perhaps* your cousin would rather you to stay their since you want to see him; but when he will think upon the feeble state of your parents; that he will consider it as your duty to be near them in their old age; you Mother was very sade after your departing untill she heard of yor safe arrival; but on hearing that you was to come the first season she revived again; May you be so lucky as to be prepared and preserved coming as you were going_ they all advise you not to stay till too late of the year unless a very certain --- detain you Samuels letter came ten days before yours they are to write to Samuel themselves and they will tell the particulars of the country_ your Mother and Brothers Sister and John Mckay West River joins all in offering you their best respects to you and to our cousins Mr. and Misters McKay also our Cousin Samuel McKay and we wish to be mentioned to the friends & acquantance there tho I cannot name for want of paper
Dear John be minfull of your creator abstain from everything displeasing to Him plead to him for his protection and quidance in all things tell Samuel from me that I hope he will avoid bad company and will be mindfull of his Bible; if anything unseen* that will detain you longer than you propose write me I conclude wishing yourself to be the first letter your affect Father Alexander MacKay
N:B: I think you saw or heard about Neill McDonald I wish him well
p.s. if you happen to see Alex McIntosh Maple Hill you may tell him that his family is all in health they get in the cropt safe and they received his letter he wrote them from New York~
Received this letter on the 10th of January 1836
vault, original material, box #18
File number: | 98-41-13 |
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Tags: | Alexander MacKay, Dalhousie Mountain, John MacKay, letter, Samuel MacKay, Neil McDonald, Merran MacKay, Alex McIntosh |
Views: | 978 |
Uploaded on: | November 2, 2015 |
Source: | Rev Bruce Munro/Ruth Munro |