Duluth, Minn Nov 4, 1900
Dear Father, Brothers & Sisters
With a sad heart today I will attempt to tell you all regarding Dear Maggies sickness and death You all have doubtless received the telegrams I sent Around me today is Sister Christa Belle, Millie and Emma and you can just imagine how we feel. We are trying to keep up best we can How I feel for my dear boy He is watching me now and of course does not realize his loss Of course he can not one so young. Maggies case was very aggrevating from the very first Her fever was quite high some of the time ad her delirium was simply terrible to witness It seemed to me right from the start her case was a very critical one She appeared to think so and that is why she requested to go to the hospital She has extra care We put a nurse in her room as soon as they thought it necessary. There appeared to be no ---? danger until about 7 o clock am on Friday morning when her temperature was found to be high and pulse low They soon called me and the doctor. When I wnet up and went in the room she knew me I knelt by her side She smiled but could not talk to me After a while she put up one hand and with her dear fingers ran it up through my hair and over my face being entirely ---? I did not think then but there was some show some hope for I had not given her up I stayed with her until noon or about then Came home about 4:15 or 4:30 pm The phone rang again and called me to her besdie at once Oh what a change Her respirators were from 30 to 35 yet she had a smile for me Could not speak I put my hand on her forehead Oh how hot she was They were trying to keep
her alive with restoratives her respirations grew shorter adn more harmful until at last one long breath as if the lungs were full and they stopped They said she was dead I told them no I could not believe it A few minutes before this I had asked her some question I forget just what it was She answered with as near I could understand the word "yes" for she was rational I could not believe she were gone A doctor came in He said yes I doubted him But it was so I walked bout of her room a broken hearted man but one who knew she was safe in the arms of Jesus and I know we will meet her in the bright land beyond She died at 5:45 pm
Two weeks ago today at the hospital she called me to her side She said Roy sit down I want to talk to you Then began the most wonderful talk that she ever made It was her last wishes She spoke of her life of what she had been regretting in many instances of her apparent failures Where she had failed in life as she thought Told me she did not expect to live and gave me full directions how and where to lay her to rest I could not sit down but walked the room and with a clear voice she spoke in full She regretted to leave Howard and I but said "Oh boy do not let him run the streets as other boys do" She told one of our old friends before we had taken her to the hospital "If I could only take Howard and Roy with me" This was in connection to her death as the spoke of it before she was at the hospital
I told her I did not care to hear such from her She said "be still" my mind is clear now I do not know how long it will remain so Now I try to fulfill her last requests She says as follows as near as I can remember "you can bury me by the side of your own mother in that beautiful cemetery at Hickory Grove My reasons are that I know you will never make my home yours I want to be laid where you and Howard can see my grave Bury me in my wedding dress" She now lays in her casket robed as she was that night she promised to be my bride until death do us part She fulfilled her promise Tuesday at 10:30 am her funeral will take place in the church she loved so well at 1:55 pm
Howard and I will start to my old home near Mt. Pleasant Iowa with her remains and before this will have reached you she will perhaps be laid in one of the beauty spots of earth to await the resurection morn I will do her bidding and wishes the best I can We will perhaps be gone two or three weeks I expect to keep Howard with me I have not exactly formulated plans yet but I think I will have a try to get my sister Alice to come with me She is a lovely true woman and a christian girl I must care for my boy Her boy and must make him a true man by gods will He is well and does not seem to know his loss He says my Mama is in a box like Grandma and askes if we will put her in a hole
after I had written the 1st and 2nd pages of this our friends came in and all the rest has been written on Monday morning So this is the 5th Sandy Willis? came up Saturday with CB Millie and Emma They went back that eve Sunday eve Angus Jno S Maggie Belle and Mr Bullis came up They all went back Sunday evening Could not remain over Angus was deeply moved stood as stone while gazing on her loved form I will leave it to C.B. to tell you how she suffered I may write more in the future or tell you if it please God for me to come again but for this time
I close your son & bro Roy
I will be at Mt Pleasant Iowa
vault, na
File number: | 2015-10-23s |
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Tags: | death, funeral, illness, 1900, Duluth, Minnesota |
Views: | 849 |
Uploaded on: | October 28, 2015 |
Source: | Cynthia Black |