(Handwritten) Deed Duncan Cruickshanks to Peter Cruickshanks July 15th. 1852 made this Nineteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. This Indenture made Between Duncan Cruickshanks of East Branch East River County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Yeoman of the one part and George Peter Cruickshanks of the same of the other part Shoemaker Witnefseth that said Duncan Cruickshanks for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty pounds paid him by the said Peter Cruickshanks hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell to the said Peter Cruickshanks his heirs and afsigns all that certain lot of land Situate lying and being on the south side of said East Branch and is butted and bounded as follows Viz on the south by ungranted lands on the East by lands belonging to Finlay McIntosh on the north by a certain Brook between this lot and the aforesaid East Branch and on the west by McKinnon's Brook so called containing in all one hundred and ten acres more or lefs to have to Hold the same to him the said Peter Cruickshanks his heirs and afsigns to his and there use for ever hereby warrented and defended against the claims of all persons whomsoever In Witnefs whereof the said Duncan Cruickshanks and Mary HIs wife in token of her relinquishment of Dower to the said described premises do to these presents set their hands and Seals the fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty three Signed Duncan Cruickshanks seal affixed Signed X her mark Mary Cruickshanks seal affixed Signed sealed and delivered in presence us Signed X his mark William Cruickshanks Signed X his mark Peter Cruickshanks Received from the **lacthin named Peter Cruickshanks the sum of Sixty pounds Currency being in full the consideration mentioned within foregoing Deed Signed Duncan Cruickshanks Witnefs Signed X his mark William Cruickshanks Personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou Mary wife of the within Duncan Cruickshanks who being by me Examined Separate and apart from her said husband declared that she without any compulsion from her said husband but of her own free will and accord thi Deed to Peter Cruickshanks. Signed Duncan McDoanld J.P. Personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou the undersigned who testified on Oath that he saw the foregoing Deed Sealed and Delivered Signed X his mark Peter Cruickshanks Sworn to before at Pleasant Hill this fifteenth day of July 1852 Signed Duncan McDonald J.P. Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 6th. July 1853. I certify that the within instrument was Registered at 9 o'Clock AM noon of the above date in Liber 38 folio 114 on the Certificate of Duncan McDonald J. P. Peter Crerar, Regr
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15D-1042C |
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Tags: | Duncan Cruickshanks Yeoman of East Branch East River, Peter Crucikshakns Shoemaker of East Branch East River, Finlay McIntosh, McKinnon's Brook, Mary Cruickshanks, William Cruickshanks, 1853, Duncan McDonald J.P. |
Views: | 778 |
Uploaded on: | October 26, 2015 |