Handwritten) Deed John Chisholm To Donald McKenzie 1839 This Indenture made this first day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine. Between John Chisholm of the East Branch of Middle River of Pictou County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Tailor and Margaret his wife of the one part and Donald McKenzie of the East River County and Province aforesaid Shoemaker of the other. Witnesfseth that the said John Chisholm for and in the consideration of the sum of six Pounds good and lawful money of the Province to him in hand paid or before the ensealing and delivery of theses presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath Granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed Released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth Grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release convey and confirm unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and Assigns that certain Tract of plot of Land Situated lying and being on the west Side of the East River of Pictou and is bounded and butted as follows Viz. Beginning on the East side of the main Road leading from the Albion Mines up the West Branch of said River a Stake at the said Road Side Fifty fee North of one John Brides North line Northwardly and running North Twenty seven degrees East along said Road Fifty six and one half feet Thence South Seventy one and one half degrees East Two Rods and seventeen links to an old fence thence along said log fence South Twenty seven degrees West Fifty six and one half feet thence North Seventy one and one half degrees West two Rods and Seventeen links to the place of beginning With all and singular the houses and Buildings ways and water all timber and trees commodities hereditaments and appurtenances thereof or thereunto in any wise appertaining or belonging with the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Ifsues and profits thereof with all the Right Title Interest claim property and demand of him the said John Chisholm which he Now hath or hereafter may have unto or upon the said described premises or any part thereof To Have and To Hold the said described premises with the appurtenances unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and Afsigns for his and their use benefit and behoof forever and the John Chisholm himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth by these presents grant covenant and agree to and with the Said Donald McKenzie his Heirs and asfigns in manner and form following to wit That the Said John Chisholm now is and stands Seized of a good and sufficient Estate of Inheritance in fee simple of and in the lawful authority in himself to grant Sell and convey the same in manner and form as they are hereunto and hereby granted Sold and Conveyed or intended So to be according to the true meaning and Intent of these presents and that the said Donald McKenzie his Heirs Executors administrators and Afsigns may at any time and all time hereinafter peaceably and quietly enter unto have Sole occupy and enjoy the said described premises without let Molestation eviction or disturbance from or by the said John Chisholm his Heirs or Afsigns or any other person or persons whosoever claiming the Same or any part thereof and that he the Said John Chisholm and his Heirs the Land and Premises above granted unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and Afsigns and warrant and forever defend In Witness whereof the said John Chisholm and Margaret his wife as token of her relinquishment of Dower do to these presents Set their hands and affixed their seals day and date as above written. Signed John Chisholm (seal affixed) Signed X her mark Margaret Chisholm (seal affixed) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us Hugh McLeod John Gunn Received from Donald McKenzie the sum of Six Pounds Currency being in full the consideration money within Specified. Signed John Chisholm Personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou Margaret wife of the within names John Chisholm who being examined by me separate and apart from her husband saith that she signed the foregoing Deed of her own free will and accord without any compulsion or restraint from her said husband and that she did thereby remise release and forever quit claim of the within described Premises with the appurtenances as it regards Dower or otherwise. Signed Hugh McLeod J.P. John Gunn one of the subscribing witnefses to the Within Deed appeared before me and made oath that he was present at, and saw the foregoing Deed of Indenture duly executed. Signed Hugh McLeod J.P. Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 28th. August 1849. I do hereby certify that the within instrument was registered at 10 oclock am of the above date in Liber 34 folio 181 on the certificate of Hugh McLeod J.P. pursuant to Law. Peter Crerar, Dy. Reg.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15D-1043C |
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Tags: | John Chisholm Tailor of the East Branch of Middle River, Margaret Chisholm, 1839, Donald McKenzie Shoemaker of East River, John Bride, Albion Mines, John Gunn, 1849 |
Views: | 783 |
Uploaded on: | October 21, 2015 |