Handwritten) Deed Alex. Chisholm Senr. To Alex. Chisholm Junr. 1850 This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Between Alexander Chisholm of the West Branch the East River County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Yeoman on the one part and Alexander Chisholm of River John County and Province aforesaid Yeoman on the other part. Witnesfseth that the said Alexander Chisholm Senior for and in the consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds currency to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath sold bargained aliened enfeoffed conveyed granted and confirmed and by these presents doth sell bargain alien enfeoff convey grant and confirm unto the said Alexander Chisholm Junior his heirs and afsigns that certain lot of Land Situate lying and being in the settlement of River in the County of Pictou aforesaid and is butted and bounded as follows. beginning on the east side of the Road leading to Cape John at a stake the southwestern angle of a lot of land belonging to James Perin running thence north forty five degrees east ten chains and eighty three links to a stake at the east angle of said Perin lot thence north fifty five degrees west two chains to a stake on the south east boundary line of Charles Sutherlands farm lot thence north forty five degrees east along said boundary tree Thence south forty five degrees east five chains and ten links to a stake at the north angle of a lot of land belonging to Patrick Dwyer thence south forty five degrees west on said Dwyer lot forty five chains and thirty links to a stake on the east side of Cape John Road aforesaid and thence north five degrees west three chains and seventy links to the place of beginning containing twenty acres more or lefs- The above lot being conveyed by one Alexander McDonald to the late James Chisholm who died intestate being the son of the said Alexander Chisholm senior who is his legal heir/ to Have and To Hold the said lot of land and premises With all the buildings and improvements thereto belonging to him the said Alexander Chisholm Junior his heirs and afsigns to by and their sole use benefit and behoof forever And the said Alexander Chisholm doth hereby bind himself his heirs executors administrators and afsigns against the lawful claim of all and every person to warrant and defend the said Alexander Chisholm Junior his heirs and afsigns in the peaceable and quiet pofsession of the above land and premises. In Witness whereof the said Alexander Chisholm Senior doth hereunto set his hand and affix his seal the day and date as above. Signed X his mark Alexander Chisholm (seal affixed) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us William Chisholm Received from the within Alexr Chisholm Junior the sum of TenPounds being in full the consideration. Signed X his mark Alexander Chisholm Witnefs William Chisholm Personally appeared before me William Chisholm subscribing witnefs to the within Deed who maketh oath that he saw the same Signed Sealed and delivered. Signed William Chisholm Sworn to before me John Holmes J.P. Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 25 July 1857. I do hereby certify that the within Instrument was registered at 10 oClock A.M. of the above date in Liber 36 folio 10 on the Certificate of John Holmes J.P. pursuant to Law. Peter Crerar, Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15D-1044C |
Contributor: | Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions |
Tags: | Alexander Chisholm Snr. of West Branch Yeoman, Alexnader Chisholm Junr. of River John Yeoman, Cape John, James Perin, Charles Sutherland, Patrick Dwyer, Cape John Road, late James Chisholm, 1850, William Chisholm, 1857 |
Views: | 963 |
Uploaded on: | October 21, 2015 |