Description Will of Joseph Langille of River John, Pictou Co., NS


Estate of Joseph Langille late of River John, Farmer, deceased, Testate

Appoint of lands in the above estate to Abram C. Langille, and Coll A. Langill, and Confirmed by Decree of the Court of Probate.

Province of Nova Scotia

County of Pictou

In the Court of Probate 1886

In the matter of the estate of  Joseph Langille, late of River John, in the County of Pictou, deceased, Testate

The Commissioners appointed to divided the above estate, have apportioned as follows. viz -

To Abram C. Langille the following described portion or share "Beginning on the South side of the Brook Road so called, at the Northwest Angle of lands belonging to Alexander Langill, thence running South along the west boundary line of the same twenty one chains and ninety four links to the Northeast angle of the lands belonging to James D. Langill thence West along the North boundary line of the same twelve chains and eighty four links to the Northwest angle of said James W. Langill's lands, and the east boundary line of Christopher Langill's lands thence North along the same eleven chains and twenty three links to an iron bolt on the west side of a road laid off for Jacob Langill, thence north along the said road ten chains and Seventy one links to the South side of the Brook Road aforesaid, and thence east along the same five chains to the place of beginning containing twenty acres and one hundredth of an acre.

And also beginning at the North West Angle of a lot of land belonging to James W. Langill aforesaid and running thence West along lands belonging to the said Christopher Langille six chains and forty four links to an (word scratched out) iron bolt, thence South along said Christopher Langill' lands twenty one chains and Seventy four links to a Stake, thence East six chains and twenty nine links to a stake on the West boundary line of said James W. Langill's lands and thence North along the same twenty one chains and Seventy four links to the place of beginning containing thirteen acres and fifty nine hundredths of an acres, and containing both lots thirty three acres and six tenths of an acre.

And also in like manner they apportioned, divided and laid off to Coll A. Langill the following described portion or share of the said Real Estate, and which portion or share so laid off is described as follows viz - Beginning on the South side of the Brook Road, so called, on the east boundary line of Christopher Langill's lands and running thence South along the same ten chains and twenty seven links to an iron bolt, thence East Seven chains and fifty links to the West side of Jacob Langill's Road aforesaid, thence North along the same ten chains and seventy one links to the South side of Brook road aforesaid and hence West along the same Seven chains and thirty nine links to the place of beginning containing Six acres and fifty one hundredths of an acre,

And also beginning on the East boundary line of lands belonging to Christopher Langill aforesaid at a Stake and running thence South along the same twenty six chains and fifty three links to the South east angle of the same, and on the North boundary line of lands belonging to Harvey Langill, thence East along the same six chains and fifteen links to the South west angle of lands belonging to James W. Langill, thence North along the same twenty six chains and fifty three links to a stake, and thence West six chains and twenty nine links to the place of beginning containing  Sixteen Acres and Six tenths of an acre- all of which will fully appear by the plan herewith."

County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills

I do hereby certify that the foregoing transcript isa true copy of the lots respectively set off and allotted by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose - a plan of which is hereunto annexed, the same having been confirmed by a Decree of the Judge of Probate, of this County, dated 8th. day of November A.D. 1886.

John H. Lane  Registrar

To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou

Province of Nova Scotia
Registrars Office, Pictou,  19th Nov 1886  I certify that the within Instrument was duly registered at 11 AM of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No 1, pages 359,360 and 361 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate

John Ferguson  Regr.


File Location

Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf

File number: 15 W - 2303L
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: late Joseph Langill of River John, Brook Road, Abram C. Langill, Coll A. Langill, Alexander Langill, James D. Langill, James W. Langill, Christopher Langill, Jacob Langill, Harvey Langill, 1886
Views: 653
Uploaded on: September 21, 2015
Source: Allan SLaunwhite

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