Description Laurel Hill Cemetery

Family Names:

  • Adamson, Anderson, Arnison, Arthur
  • Baillie, Barnes, Battie, Beck, Beggs, Berry, Bigger, Blackadar, Blanchard, Blue, Bogue, Bone, Boyd, Bradley, Brown, Burgess, Burnett, Burt, Burton
  • Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Carmichael, Carter, Cassidy, Chipman, Christie, Clark, Close, Coghill, Colquhoun, Connell, Cook, Cooke, Corbett, Costley, Crerar, Crichton, Croy, Cuish, Curry
  • Dawson, Davidson, Denoon, DeWolfe, Dicks, Dickson, Dodson, Downie, Doyle, Duncan, Dyer
  • Elmes
  • Fennell, Ferguson, Fisher, Fitch, Flavin, Fogo, Forstner, Foster, Fraser, Fullerton
  • Garvin, Gass, Geddie, Gibson, Gillespie, Glennie, Glover, Gordon, Gourley, Grant, Green, Gunn
  • Halliday, Hamilton, Harper, Harris, Hatton, Hayward, Heighton, Henderson, Herdman, Herritt, Hislop, Hyslop, Holmes, Hume,
  • Innes, Ives, 
  • Jack, Jeffrey, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Joyce
  • Kazenburg, Kelly, Killer
  • Lamb, Leith, Leslie, Lindsay, Lloyd, Lorrain, Lorraine, Love, Lowden
  • McArthur, McCullum, McConnich, McCuish, McCulloch, McDonald, McFarlane, McFee, McGillivray, McGregor, McGuigan, McGuish, McGunigle, McInnes, McIntosh, McKaracher, McKay, McKenzie, McKinlay, McLachlan, McLean, McLeod, McMillan, McNaught, McNeil, McPhee, McPherson, McQuaig, McQuarrie
  • Mansel, Marchall, Martin, Matheson, Maxwell, Meaghar, Merkel, Mullar, Miller, Mullins, Mills, Milner, Miner, Mitchell, Monro, Morrison, Mortimer, Munro, Murdock, Murray, 
  • Naern, Neil, Nicol
  • Oliver, O'Neil, 
  • Pagan, Patrick Patterson, Paulin, Paxton, porter, Pottinger, Primrose, Pringle, Proudfoot, Purves, Pyri
  • Quinn
  • Rae, Ramsay, Reid, Renton, Richardson, Robertson, Robson, Rodenhiser, Roddick, Rose, Ross, Russell, Rutter
  • Sampson, Sargeant, Sawers, Scott, Sim, Simpson, Skinner, Smith, Speirs, Stalker, Stamp, Sterns, Stewart, Stiles, Stirling, Sutherland
  • Tait, Tolbot, Talbot, Tanner, Taylor, Thain, Thom, Thompson, Thomson, Todd, 
  • Williamson, Wilson
  • Young

Alternate Details

Cemetery located in Pictou on Wellington St., between Brody Park and Pictou Elementary school. Recorded in July/August 1951, part of the Ritchie Cemetery Records

File Location

Ritchie Records PN-2 to PS-12

File number: PP01
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Ritchie Cemetery Records, Laurel Hill Cemetery, cemetery, Pictou
Views: 1220
Uploaded on: August 20, 2015

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