Received from the within named John Patterson Senior the sum of ten pounds currency the same being the consideration money within mentioned, pay received the within sum as the agent of Walter Patterson Junior.
William Gordon
John Fraser
Tammy Scott
Fees 6/6
William Gordon agent for
Walter Patterson
William Campbell _
Pictou Harbour,
Registered at _
On the 20th day of June 1794
On the oath of John Patterson
This indenture made the 10th day of May in the twenty seventy year of the region of our sovereign Lord the King and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, between Walter Patterson of the island of Point John’s and William Gordon of Pictou as his agent on the one part witnesseth, that for and in consideration the sum of thirty one pounds, five shillings current money of Nova Scotia Province to the said Walter Patterson or the said William Gordon as his agent in hand, the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged and each of them the said Walter Patterson and the said William Gordon doth hereby acquit, exonerate, release, and forever discharge the said William Campbell, his heirs, executors, and administrators by these presents, and for and for diverse other good causes and considerations, hath granted, bargained, sold aliened, enfoffed, released, and confirmed unto the said William Campbell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. All that trait of land containing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less and is bounded as follows that is to say, beginning at the east corner of a trait of land belonging to James Grant, and running North three hundred and twenty perches, and from there cast sixty two and a half perches, thence south three hundred and twenty perches and from thence west the different courses of the harbour sixty two and a half perches until this line intersects the line at the east corner of the trait land belonging to James Grant aforesaid. the _ where of to contain the one hundred and twenty five acres with an alliance of _ _ for _ _ or with all manner if mines opened and unopened hereon, and also _ of gold, silver, copper, brass, lead, and coals. To have and to hold all and singular the premises above mentioning unto the land William Campbell, his heirs, administrators, and assigns forever, and the said Walter Patterson doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators; and he the said William Gordon as his attorney, do hereby consent and agree with him the said William Campbell; that he, his heirs and assigns may from time to time, and at all times occupy and enjoy the said premises _ _ _ according to the true meaning of these presents. Furthermore the said Walter Patterson and the said William Gordon as his attorney do hereby bind themselves, and each of their heirs, executors, administrations and assigns; and against all and every other person or persons whatever to the said William Campbell, his heirs, and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said William Gordon by virtue of the aforesaid power of attorney from the said Walter Patterson, dated the twelfth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, hath _ put the hand and seal of the said Walter Patterson and the said William Gordon also the said William Campbell have _ set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
William Gordon
Will Campbell
Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of:
John Patterson Senior and Duncan Cameron
_ remembered that on the _ of May in the wear of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven full quit and _ possession and _ was had and taken of the within mentioned lot of land and the other promises within mentioned by the within named William Gordon, and by him delivered over unto the within named William Campbell to hold to him the said William Campbell, his heirs and assigns according to the _ and measuring of the within indenture on the premises of.
William Gordon
John Patterson Senior
Duncan Cameron
Received from the within named William Campbell the sum of thirty one pounds, five shillings current money of the province of Nova Scotia _ the consideration money within mentioned to have been actually paid to me, I say received £31.50
William Gordon
John Patterson Senior
Duncan Cameron
Pictou 16th June 1791
Personally appeared before me one of his majesty’s justices of the peace, John Fraser exporter of the district D of Colchester. John Balerson the above subscribing witness, who having been July sworn, especially that he was an evidence forth signing, sealing and delivering of the written deed, sworn before me time and place above written.
John Fraser J.F.
Fees 7/9
William Gordon
Walter Paterson
Duncan Cameron _
Registered at three o’clock on the 20th day of January 1791 on the oath of John Patterson
This indenture made on the third day of November in the year of the reign thirty of our sovereign Lord the King, and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, between Walter Patterson of the island of St. John’s and William Gordon of Pictou as his agent on the one part, and Duncan Cameron of Pictou aforesaid on the other part, witnesseth that for and in consideration the sum of fifty pounds current money of the province of Nova Scotia, the said Walter Patterson or the said William Gordon as his agent in hand, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and each of them the said Walter Patterson and the said William Gordon, doth hereby exonerate, aquit, release, and forever discharge the said Duncan Cameron, his heirs, executors and administrators, by these presents, and for _ other good causes and considerations hath granted, bargained, sold, obtained, released, and confirmed unto …
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