Description Haliburton Cemetery

Family Names:

  • Ackley, Adams, Adamson, Alexander, Allan, Amos, Anderson, Arbuckle, Archibald, Armstrong, Arnison, Arthur, Atkins
  • Babcock, Baillie, Barry, Baxter, Bayne, Beattie, Beatty, Bell, Bethune, Bickers, Blackie, Blacikie, Blenkhorn, Bowes, Boyd, Brittin, Brown, Brownrigg, Bryant, Burdett, Burris
  • Calkin, Cameron, Campbell, Carson, Cary, Chambers, Cheverie, Chisholm, Chivers, Chipman, Christie, Clarey, Clark/e, Cole, Cook, Copeland, Corbett, Corbin, Craig, Crawford, Creelman, Crerar, Crowe, Crowell, Currie, Curry
  • Dalling, Daly, Dalziel, Davey, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Denniston, Denoon, Desmond, DeWolfe, DeWolf, Dickson, Dobson, Donaldson, Douglas, Doull, Dunbar, Dunlop, Dunn, Dunstan
  • Elliott, Emery, English, Eynon
  • Falsoner, Farquharson, Ferguson, Fetterly, Fisher, Fitch, Flaiger, Foote, Forbes, Forrester, Fraser, Frizzle, Fullerton
  • Gammon, Garvin, Gass, Gibson, Gilchrist, Gillespie, Gillis, Glennie, Godfrey, Godkin, Goode, Gollan, Gordon, Graham, Grahame, Grant, Gratto, Gray, Gregory, Gunn, Guzzwell
  • Hall, Hamblen, Hamilton, Harper, Harris, Hart, Heighton, Henderson, Henry, Hepburn, Heughen, Hines, Hingsley, Hislop, Hogg, Holland, Holmes, Horn/e, Horton, Hurst
  • Ingram, Innis, Irish, Irving, Ives
  • Jollota/Jellota, Johnston, Jones
  • Kerr, Kinnear, Kitchen
  • Lamont, Langille, Lee, Leetch, Leithead, Little, Logan, Lowden, Lowe, Luke
  • McArthur, McCabe, McCallum, MCClymont, McConnell, McCuish, McCulloch, McCullough, McCurdy, McDermid, McDonald, McDougall, McDuff, McEwan, McFarlane, McGillivray, McGregor, McInnes, McIntosh, McKaracher, McKay, McKean, McKeigan, McKenzie, McKimmie, McKinlay, McKinnon, McKnight, McLaren, McLean, McLellan, McLennan, McLeod, McMahan, McMillan, McNeil, McNutt, McPhail, McPherson, McQuarrie, McRae, McTavish, McVean
  • Mainland, Marshall, Mason, Matheson, Mattatal, Maxwell, Meikle, Meldrum, Mellick, Merriam, Millar, Miller, Miner, Mitchell, Moan, Monroe, Mooney, Morash, Moore, Morrison, Mortimer, Mott, Mowat, Munro, Munroe, Murdock, Murray
  • Nasser, Nelson, Newhook, Nicholson, Noonan
  • O'Brien, Oliver, Owen
  • Pace, Parker, Paterson, Paton, Patterson, Paulin, Pearson, Peebles, Pellow, Perry, Pope, Priest, Primrose, Pringle, Purves
  • Rae, Rankin, Rattee, Read, Redpath, Reid, Renton, Rhind, Rhynerd, Rice, Rickerby, Roach, Robb, Robblee, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Robson, Roddick, Rogers, Rood, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rudolph, Rullet, Russell
  • Scott, Shannon, Shearer, Shultz, Sigler, Silva, Simmonds, Simpson, Sinclair, Sinnott, Smith, Springett, Sproull, Squires, Stalker, Steele, Sterns, Stevenson, Stewart, Stiles, Strothard, Sullivan, Sutherland
  • Tanner, Taylor, Tomas, Thompson, Thomson, Troop, Turple
  • Walla, Waller, Walker, Warwick, Watt, Waymouth, Webster, Welsh, White, Wiggins, Wild, Wilkes, Williams, Williamson, Wisener, Wright, Wynot
  • Yorston, Young

Alternate Details

Cemetery located on the Sunrise Trail beside the Haliburton Brook. Recorded July 1956, part of the Ritchie Cemetery Listings. 

File Location

Ritchie Records PN-2 to PS-12

File number: PP03
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Ritchie Cemetery Records, cemetery, Pictou, Haliburton Cemetery, ,
Views: 1335
Uploaded on: August 12, 2015

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