Description Indenture

Colin Douglas


Simon Fraser

_ at ten o’clock on the 7th October 1791

on the oath of John _



            This indenture made this first day of December in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred ninety between Colin Douglas of Pictou in the province of Nova Scotia county of Halifax on the one and Simon Fraser of Pictou aforesaid on the other part, witness that for and in consideration the some of twenty pounds current money of the province aforesaid in hand paid to the said Colin Douglas by the said Simon Fraser the recipe thereof is hereby acknowledges hath granted, bargained sold, aliened, enfoffed, released and confirmed unto the said Simon Fraser, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. And by these present do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfoff, release and confirm unto the said Simon Fraser aforesaid fifty acres of that lot No.3, laying on the east side middle River Pictou aforesaid, that is to say beginning at the bank or said Pictou, being lot No.3 running south three hundred and twenty perches, thence north west three hundred twenty perches, north east twenty six perches, south west twenty six perches to the place of beginning with the _ addition. Five _ _ or the whole whereof is surveyed _ to contain _ acres more or less, saving reserving unto the King, his heirs successions, all which _ trees that may be thereon. Also all mines of gold, silver, lead, copper, and coals that may be found thereon, to have to hold onto the land Simon Fraser, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever, according to the true intent and meaning of this grant and that he the said Simon Fraser, his heirs and assigns shall _ from living to time and at all living from _, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, _, enjoy all singular the said premises above mentioned to the only use behalf of the said Simon Fraser, his heirs and assigns forever, furthermore the said Colin Douglas doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns and any other person or persons whatsoever to the said Simon Fraser his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant, secure _ and defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Colin Douglas _ _ past his hand and affected his seal the day and year above written.

Colin Douglas  

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of:


David McLeary    

John Fraser

Daniel Ress


£20 received from the above named Simon Fraser the sum of twenty pound current money on the province above named hereby the consideration money above mentioned pay received by me

Colin Douglas 


Personally appeared before me on this day _ of the place for the districts  of Colechester. Catherine McLean, _ to the within deigned Colin Douglas who having _ _ by me in privately _ that she has not been compelled to set her hand and seal to this act and deed but is of her own free will and accord agreed to the within conditions _ by hand and seal at Pictou this 29th December 1790.

Catherine McLean

John Fraser J.F.




Robert and his heirs


Francis Hogg

Reg at one o’clock pm

On the oath of Peter Grant

 The 7th day of _



            This indenture made the fourth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one _ Robert Chisholm of Halifax _ in the province of Nova Scotia of the one part, and Francis Hogg of the same place _ _ of the other part, witness that for and in consideration of the some of one hundred pounds current money of Nova Scotia in hand paid by the said Francis Hogg to the said Robert Chisholm, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Robert Chisholm hath ….    

File Location

Vault:Copied Materials:Box #3

File number: 77-147
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: Colin Douglas, Simon Fraser, Pictou, deed, indenture, land
Views: 811
Uploaded on: August 12, 2015

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