Description Eight Mile Brook Cemetery

Family Names:

  • Barrett
  • Barry
  • Berry
  • Bell
  • Blanchard
  • Boyd
  • Brown
  • Cameron
  • Canning
  • Carthew
  • Clark
  • Connors
  • Currie
  • Davies
  • Dowler
  • Elliott
  • Falt
  • Fisher
  • Fraser
  • Gass
  • Goodrich
  • Goodwin
  • Graham
  • Gray
  • Gunn
  • Hamilton
  • Henderson
  • Hewitt
  • Langille
  • Logn
  • Lynch
  • McBeath
  • McCabe
  • McCoull
  • McCulloch
  • McDonald
  • McGillivray
  • McGinnes
  • McGregor
  • McIntosh
  • McKay
  • McKenie
  • McLaughlin
  • McLean
  • Mclennon
  • McLeod
  • McPherson
  • McWilliams
  • Miller
  • Morrison
  • Munro
  • Munroe
  • Murray
  • Nicholson
  • Proudfoot
  • Rae
  • Reid
  • Rettie
  • Robertson
  • Roddick
  • Ross
  • Rothery
  • Setchell
  • Sillers
  • Sillars
  • Sinclair
  • Smith
  • Stewart
  • Wall

Alternate Details

Cemetery located on west of Six Mile Brook Road junction in Eight Mile Brook, most likely on Graveyard Road. Recorded on August 8th, 1956 and part of the Ritchie Cemetery Records


File Location

Ritchie Records ANTG-1 to PK-1

File number: PE05
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: cemetery, Eight Mile Brook, Eight Mile Brook Cemetery, Ritchie Cemetery Records
Views: 932
Uploaded on: August 10, 2015

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