Will of S.R. Jackson, Deceased
Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds
Know men by all these presents that I Samuel R. Jackson of Brunswick in the County of Cumberland and State of Maine being of sound and perfect mind and memory do hereby make publish and declare this my last last Will and Testament intending herein and hereby to dispose of all my worldly estate, real, personal and mixed, and wherever situated in manner and form as follows: -
I. I hereby revoke all former Wills and Codicils by me made.
II. I give devise and bequeath to my wife Jane F. Jackson my house and lot in Plainfield in New Jersey and one thousand dollars ($1000) in money.
III. I give and bequeath to my daughter Susan G. Yates of said Plainfield, wife of Joseph W. Yates fifteen registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
IV. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah F. Jackson of Said Brunswick ten registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
V. I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Clementine R. Yates of Plainfield, New Jersey, daughter of Joseph W. and Susan G. Yates five (5) registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
VI. I give and bequeath to my grandson James Yates of Jan Diego in California, son of Jospeh W. and Susan G. Yates five (5) registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
VII. I give and bequeath to my grandson Frederick W. Yates of Plainfield, New Jersey, son of Joseph W. and Susan G. Yates five (5) registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
VIII. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Katherine Y. Yates of Plainfield, New Jersey five (5) registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
IX. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Margaret G. Yates of Plainfield, New Jersey, daughter of Joseph W. and Susan G. Yates five (5) registered bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing date February 1st., 1873.
X. I give and bequeath to my grandson Samuel R. Jackson second, of Brunswick in Maine, son of my deceased son Osceola Jackson, ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in money.
XI. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Nora Jackson of Boston in Massachusetts, daughter of my deceased son Osceola Jackson, Five Hundred dollars ($500) in money.
XII. I give and bequeath to my sister Mary Jane Chandler of Belmont in New Hampshire Five hundred dollars ($500) in money.
XIII. I give and bequeath to my niece Ellen Chandler Sweat of Belmont in New Hampshire daughter of May Jane Chandler five hundred dollars ($500) in money.
XIV. I give and bequeath to my nephew Frank Chandler of Belmont in New Hampshire son of Mary Jane Chandler two hundred fifty dollars ($250) in money.
XV. I give and bequeath to the wife of Frank Chandler two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in money.
XVI. I give and bequeath to my neice Fanny Marston of Lynn in Massachusetts, daughter of my deceased sister Julia A. Love, seven hundred dollars ($700) in money.
XVII. I give and bequeath to my neice Annie Dalton of Boston in Massachusetts daughter of my deceases sister Julia A. Love, seven hundred dollars ($700) in money.
XVIII. I give and bequeath to my nephew Charles Love of Boston in Massachusetts son of my deceased sister Julia Love, three hundred dollars ($300) in money.
XIX. I give and bequeath to my nephew John Love of Lynn in Massachusetts, son of my deceased sister Julia A. Love, three hundred dollars ($200) in money.
XX. I give and bequeath to the wife of John Love two hundred dollars ($200) in money.
XXI. I give and bequeath to my neice Julia G. Duncan of New Orleans in Louisana, daughter of my deceased sister Eliza Johns, eight hundred dollars ($800) in money.
XXII. I give and bequeath to my nephew John Whidden whose residence is now unknown to me, son of my deceased sister Eliza Johns, two hundred dollars ($200) in money.
XXIII. I give and bequeath to my nephew Samuel Carlos Streeter formerly of East charleston in Vermont, son of my deceased sister Mary Streeter two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in money.
XXIV. I give and bequeath to the wife of said Samuel Carlos Streeter two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) on money.
XXV. I give and bequeath to Nellie J. Streeter, Emma J. Streeter, Katie P. Streeter and Edward Streeter of East Charleston in Vermont, children of said Samuel Carlos Streeter, one hundred dollars ($100) each, in money.
XXVI. I give and bequeath to Charles Streeter, Clara J. Browley of Braley, and Porter Tyler Streeter all formerly of Island Pond in Vermont, children of my deceased nephew, Charles Streeter, who was a son of my deceased sister Mary Streeter, one hundred dollars each ($100) in money.
XXVII. I give and bequeath to Frank S. Streeter and Anna May Streeter the former of Concord New Hampshire and the latter of St. Johnsbury in Vermont, children of my nephew Daniel Streeter of St. Johnsbury whose mother was my sister Mary Streeter, one hundred dollars each ($100) in money.
XXVIII. I give and bequeath to Melvina J. Winchell, Mary W. Winchell and Rebecca A. Winchell all of Topshaw in Maine children of Thomas J. and Sarah Winchell, five hundred dollars ($500) in money.
XXIX. I give and bequeath to John P. Winchell of Brunswick in Maine, son of James M. and Susan Winchell ($2000) two thousand dollars in money.
XXX. I give and bequeath to Jennie F. Winchell wife of John P. Winchell and Jane J. Crawford sister of John P. Winchell both of Brunswick in Maine five hundred dollars ($500) each in money.
XXXI. I give and bequeath to Eben Winchell Henry and his wife both of Lynn in Massachusetts, he being a son of Hiram and Mary Henry two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) each in money.
XXXII. I give and bequeath to Rev. William H. Brewster and his wife of Michigan two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) each in money.
XXXIII. I give and bequeath to the agent of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of Syracuse in New York and to his successors in that office three thousand dollars ($3000) in money, to hold in trust for said connection and to be used for Educational purposes according to the discretion of the trustee.
XXXIV. I give and bequeath to H.B. McKay of Tenerife whatever sum may be due to him at the time of my decease from the estate of my deceased son Osceola Jackson not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000) to accepted by said McKay in full satisfaction of the debt due to him from said Osceola`s estate.
XXXV. I give and bequeath to Osceola J. Repley of Brunswick in Maine five hundred dollars ($500) in money.
XXXVI. I give and bequeath to the Trustees of Riverside Cemetery in Brunswick, Maine, and their successors forever one thousand dollars in money ($1000) to hold in trust and not for their own use under obligation to keep the same safely invested and the income thereof shall be annually expended so far as necessary for the lawn mowing and maintenance in good condition of my family burial lot now enclosed with stone curbing and of the two lots next easterly of mine numbered 578 and 579 in the plan all in said cemetery, and whatever of said income shall not be needed for the maintenance of the said three lots shall be annually expended according to the judgement of the trustees in the improvement of the cemetery and if any part of said income shall not be needed for the purpose aforesaid, such surplus income not so needed shall be added to the Principal of the trust fund.
XXXVII. Unless I shall erect a suitable family monument in my lifetime in my burial lot aforesaid I direct my executors with the concurrence of my wife and children to erect one at the expense of my estate at a cost not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000).
XXXVIII. My house and lot in Plainfield devised to my wife in the second specification of this instrument is situated on Central Avenue. It is to be accepted by her in lieu of Dower.
XXXIX. If Susan G. Yates shall die in my lifetime then the fifteen bonds given to her in the third specification of this instrument shall go to her heirs at Law, and I give and bequeath the same accordingly.
XL. If Samuel R. Jackson second, shall die in my lifetime leaving a widow and no children one half of the ten thousand dollars named in the tenth specification of this instrument is hereby given and bequeathed to such widow to have and to hold for her life only, and if he shall die in my lifetime leaving a child or children and no widow the same five thousand is hereby given and bequeathed to such child or children to hold in fee, and if he shall die in my lifetime leaving a widow and child or children then the same five thousand dollars ($5000) is hereby given and bequeathed to said widow and child or children to hold in equal shares and in fee.
XLI. If John P. Winchell shall die in my lifetime the two thousand dollars ($2000) named in twenty-ninth specification of this instrument is hereby given and bequeathed to his children to have and to hold in equal shares in fee.
XLII. If either of the benificiaries named in the thirtieth (30th.) specification of the instrument shall die in my lifetime then the five hundred dollars ($500) given to such deceased beneficiary is hereby given and bequeathed to the children of such deceased to hold equally and in fee.
XLIII. If either of the beneficiaries hereinbefore named shall die in my lifetime the estate given to such beneficiary shall become a part of the residuary of my estate hereinafter disposed of except in the instances where I have hereinbefore provided otherwise.
XLIV. I give, bequeath and devise to my executors in trust all the rest residue and remainder of my property, real, personal and mixed wherever situated to be appropriated as follows:-
First - To the payment of all my just debts.
Second - To the support of my wife Jane J. Jackson and my daughter Sarah F. Jackson during the life of my said wife.
Third - To be equally by the executors between my children at the decease of my wife, or given wholly to my surviving child if only one shall survive her mother, and then the trust shall cease. If however my wife shall survive both my daughters the whole shall be given to my wife at the decease of my last surviving daughter and then the trust shall cease.
XLV. I hereby appoint Joseph W. Yates of Plainfield in New Jersey, Charles T. Geyer of Brooklyn in New York, John P. Winchell and Wentin Thompson both of Brunswick in Maine executor of this my last Will and testament, and I direct that they shall not be required to give bonds.
XLVI. In the twenty-sixth specification of this instrument the words East Charleston have been stricken out and the words Island Pond substituted and the word nephew stricken out.
In Witness of all which I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine (1889)
(Signed) Samuel R. Jackson (Seal)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by said Samuel R. Jackson as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his and in his sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto on this fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine (1889)
Signed James F. Chaney
" J. F. Will
" Thomas M. Giveen
Know men by all these presence that whereas I Samuel R. Jackson of Brunswick in the County of Cumberland and State of Maine did on the fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine make publish and declare my last will and testament. Now therefore I do make publish and declare this present writing to be a codicil to my said last will and testament as follows:- Inasmuch as my wife Jane F. Jackson has deceased since my Will was executed I hereby revoke the second specification in said Will and also the second item in the fouty-fourth specification thereof and intend that the house and lot in Plainfield and the thousand dollars given to my wife in that part of the Will which is hereby revoked shall pass under the third item in said forty-fourth specification and I give bequeath and devise the same accordingly.
Inasmuch as H. B. McKay has deceased since my said Will was executed I hereby amend the thirty-fourth specification in said Will by striking out his name and transferring the benefit of said specification to his widow, the exact amount t be paid to be determined by my executors within the limitations stated in said Will and to be accepted as therein set forth.
If at any time of my decease my estate shall not contain a sufficient number of bonds of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company to satisfy all the gifts of such bonds contained in said Will, I intend that the equivalents in money of such bonds as shall be wanting shall be paid by my executors instead of such bonds. By equivalent I mean the market value of the earliest maturing bond which shall remain in my estate at the time of its appraisal under authority of the Probate Court, and my executors shall in the contingency herein suggested determine which of the beneficiaries shall take bonds and which equivalent of bonds in money. All this refers to the bonds above specified only.
I hereby revoke the thirty-seventh specification in my said Will. I give and bequeath to my neice Ella Chandler Sweat seven hundred dollars in money and I revoke the thirteenth specification in my said Will.
I give and bequeath to Nellie J. Streeter, Emma J. Streeter, Katie P. Streeter and Edward Streeter of East Charleston in Vermont, children of Samuel Carlos Streeter two hundred dollars each in money, and I revoke the twenty-fifth specification in said Will.
I give and bequeath to Charles Streeter, Clara J. Browley of Braley and Porter Tyler Streeter all formerly of Island Pond in Vermont, children of my deceased nephew Charles Streeter two hundred dollars each in money, and I revoke the twenty-sixth specification in my said Will.
I give and bequeath to Frank SD. Streeter and Anna May Streeter the former of Concord in New Hampshire and the latter of St. Johnsbury in Vermont, children of my nephew Daniel Streeter two hundred dollars each in money and I revoke the twenty-seventh specification in my said Will.
I give and bequeath to my sisters son Daniel Streeter of St. Johnsbury, Vermont and his wife one hundred dollars each in money.
I give and bequeath to Ezra Chandler of Belmont of New Hampshire who married my half-sister two hundred dollars in money.
I give and bequeath to my cousin Rev. E.G. Page of Oakland in Maine and to his wife one hundred dollars each in money.
I hereby reaffirm my said Will except so far as it must yield to give effect the provisions contained in this Codicil.
In Witness of all the foregoing I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety.
(Signed) Samuel R. Jackson (Seal).
Signed, sealed, published and declared by said Samuel R. Jackson as and for a codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his and in his sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto on this tenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety.
Signed George H. Nicols
" H. D. Adams
" J. F. Will.
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true and correct copy of the last Will and Testament with Codicil of Samuel R. Jackson late of Brunswick in the State of Maine in the United States of America deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the thirtieth day of December AD 1910.
Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 30th. day of December AD 1910.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Office, County of Pictou, AUG 4 1911 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at Noon of the above day in Book 5, page 32 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2263J |
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Tags: | Samuel R. Jackson of Brunswick Maine, 1889, Jane F. Jackson, Plainfield New Jersey, Susan G. Yates of Plainfield, Joseph W. Yates, Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, Sarah F. Jackson of Brunswick, Clementine R. Yates of Plainfield, see other will for Samuel R. Jackson for other names in this Will |
Views: | 817 |
Uploaded on: | August 4, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |