Description 1767 Advertisement for land in Pictou

Advertisement describes Pictou as one of the best locations on the East coast, full with trees (birch, maple, elm, ash...), fish (cod, salmon, whale), and has very rich soil, perfect for farms. 


Settlers were to be Protestant families, pay five pounds sterling per 100 acres of land (to be paid within two years), and then another annual quit-rent of one half-penny sterling per acre. 

Alternate Details

Original advertisment property of William H. Harris, Esq., High Sheriff of Pictou

File Location

Original Material, Box #16

File number: 97-222
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Philadelphia, Pictou, Ship Betsey, Ship Hope, advertisement, ads
Views: 935
Uploaded on: July 30, 2015

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