Description Land Grant

The memorial of the Rev. T. McCulloch for land in the Philadelphia Grant

In council 28 Nov 1809

Voted five hundred acres



_ _ 15 Sept 1805

The petitioner is considered an man of _ character and a useful settler - and as he has a encouraging family – five hundred acres might be allowed him when the previous claims of those interested in the Philadelphia grant are determined.

Regiment _

19 may 1810


(paragraph on the left too faded to transcribe)



To his Excellency for George Prevost Baroned Lieutenant Governor and commander in chief on and over his majesty’s province of Nova Scotia and his dependences DDT.


            The memorial of the Rev. Thomas McCulloch humbly _ that your _ a native of Scotland arrived in Pictou about six years ago with a view to _ in the county. That he has now a wife and six children and having never received any land from Government is _ of _ an order to survey in the Philadelphia Grant for any quantity of land that your Excellency may judge proper. That no oath of allegiance has ever been administered to hum but he is ready to afford this mark of attachment to government when called to do so. He therefore prays that your Excellency will be pleased to take his memorial into consideration and your _ as in duty bound shall ever pray DDT.

Thomas McCulloch


Personally appeared before me Edward Mortimer order of his majesty’s justice of the province for the County of Halifax the Rev Thomas McCulloch and made oath to what is Sept. fourth in the above memorial.

Thomas McCulloch


Sworn before me at Halifax this the day of justice

Edward Mortimer



(Halifax Stamp)

File Location

Vault:Copied Materials:Box# 3

File number: 77-163
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: Thomas McCulloch, Philadelphia Land Grant, New Scotland, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Edward Mortimer
Views: 748
Uploaded on: July 29, 2015

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