Description Letter for Patterson mother

“Picto 7 November 1823

Dear mother I received your letter datein March 24 and I was verry happy to here that you and your cheldren and thare familyes was all in halth.


I and James are will and my fathers family I wold hav not you be fore this but I wsh to here from Alexander but I had no word from him self but I saw one of his nabros a free days a goe a frind of oures and his sad that he was well and his wife and childrend and he was still in the same place and he expect a hire buth m that bisness give my best respects to all my good brothers and sisters I remeane your loving daughter”

Alternate Details


“Pictou, 7th November 1823

Dear Mother,

I received your letter dated March 24th and I was very happy to hear that you and your children and their families were all in good health.

I and James are well and my father’s family. I would have not [asked?] you [this before], but I wish to hear from Alexander but I had no word from him – but I saw one of his neighbours a few days ago. A friend of ours, and he said that he was well, and his wife and children. He was still in the same place and he expected [to be hired], but [it didn’t happen?].

Give my best respects to all my good brothers and sisters.


I remain your loving Daughter.”

File Location

Original Material Box #3

File number: 77-83k
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Patterson, Patterson Papers, letter
Views: 647
Uploaded on: July 28, 2015

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