Description Letter

Miss Helen McCulloch

_ _

Hammersmith, London


Feb, 1825

Dear Helen,


            Yesterday I viewed your letter. I am sorry to hear that Tom and you have been _. If the pain and cough do not go away be sure to apply to the doctor immediately, Thomas. I hope well take care about going out very likely he has been taking _. A few days ago I had a letter from your mother and one _ Dr. McGregor. They were all well. Simon Newcombe and David Dawson have _ 6 _ but I have not seen them. Some time ago I wrote by a gentle man from Canada who was going by sea to London. I gave him also a letter packed of my books. I think one for your family, another for the doctor, and a third for Mrs. Joseph and a fourth for Mrs. Johnston. If you if you be acquaintances with the other Mrs. Johnston make my apology for not sending one to her and say that I will bring it when I come to London. The books were sent to London by the Rio. Mr. _ who promised to leave them at Mr. Broadfoots. I put upon the parcel that it was to be with him till called for. Perhaps they have kept the letter thinking that it was intended to remain with the parcel. Any of you _ can call at Mr. Broadfoots and if they do not find the parcel there you will likely _ Mr. _at Dr. Waughts who will account for it. I can not tell you how I am to get on. I think I have enclosed in the packet of books a copy of my printed paper by which you will see what I have_ before the public. You may depend upon it my _ which is here and dorms me all the _ that he can but God will over rule and we must not forget that he is able to bring light out of darkness. I will write to your uncle soon. Perhaps he can be advisable for you and Tom to _ home before me but about this I will write to you by and by. Give my best _ to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph your uncles family especially Elizabeth and all other friends.


Your affectionate father,



Thomas McCulloch

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File number: 00-9-1
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: McCulloch, Letter, Books, Thomas, Helen, 1825
Views: 745
Uploaded on: July 25, 2015

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