(Handwritten) 92 Deed Lily Bayliss et al to Wm. Bayliss Major Wm. Bayliss Marion Francis Bayliss Noiary Public seal affixed This Indenture made this Fourteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty six.. Between Lily Bayliss of Pictou, in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, Widow John A. Bayliss and George R. Bayliss both of the city of Boston in the County of Suffolk in the State of Massachusetts in the United States of America, Carpenters and Mary Ann wife of the said George R. Bayliss of the one part; and (corr.CHA) Major William Bayliss of the City of Washington in the District of Columbia in the United States of America, (corr.CHA) Clerk of the other part Witnesseth that the said Lily Bayliss, John A. Bayliss, George R. Bayliss and Mary Ann his wife in consideration of the sum of six hundred and thirty three dollars and fifty cents of lawful money of the Dominion of Canada to them in hand well and truly paid by the said (corr.CHA) Major William Bayliss at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have and Each of them Hath Granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, remised, released, conveyed and conformed and by these presents Do, and Each of them Doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said William Bayliss his heirs and assigns. All the estate and interest of the said Lily Bayliss, John A. Bayliss and George R. Bayliss as the widow and heirs of (corr.CHA)) John Bayliss at law, late of Pictou, in the County of Pictou aforesaid Carpenter deceased of in and to all that certain lot of land situate in the Town Of Pictou in the County of Pictou aforesaid bounded and described as follows. Beginning on the north side of Beaches Road at the southeastern corner of a lot now owned or in the occupation of one George J. Hamilton and running thence North along the Eastern side line of the said Hamilton's lot sixty feet more or less or to the southwestern corner of James Little's lot, thence Easterly along the Southern side line of the said James Little lot sixty feet more or less or to the Western side line of Wellington Street, thence southerly along the Western side line of said Wellington Street or to its junction with the Northern side line of Beaches Road aforesaid sixty feet, thence Westerly along the Northern side line of Beaches Road aforesaid sixty feet more or less or to the place of beginning. together With all and singular the houses, outhouses, barns, buildings, ways, water, water courses, improvements, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise ascertaining and the reversion, and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof and also all the Estate, Right, Title, Intent, Claim, Property and Demand both at law and in equity of them the said Lily Bayliss, John A. Bayliss, George R. Bayliss and Mary Ann his wife as widow and heirs at law of the said John Bayliss deceased of in to or out of the same or any part thereof. To Have and To Hold the said lot of land and premises with the appurtenances and every part thereof with the said (corr. CHA) Major William Bayliss his heirs and assigns to his and their sole use benefit and behoof forever. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals set and affixed on the day and year first above written. Signed Lily Bayliss (seal affixed) Signed sealed and delivered by Lily Bayliss in presence of (signed) Ausm. S. Taylor, (signed) Margaret Vandoren Signed John A. Bayliss (red seal affixed) Signed George R. Bayliss (red seal affixed) Signed Mary A. Bayliss (red seal affixed) Signed sealed and delivered by John A. Bayliss, George R. Bayliss and Mary Ann Bayliss is wife in the presence of (signed) John R. Worcey and (signed) Martin McDonough United States of America State of Massuchesetts County of Suffolk 20 I Chas. Hall Adams of the City of Boston in the County of Suffolk in the State of Massachusetts in the United States of America A Commissioner of the Province of Nova Scotia appointed to do acts without the said Province under Chapter 197 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia Fifth Series do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that on the fourteenth day of July in the year f our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty six before me the subscriber the said Commissioner personally came and appeared Mary Ann Bayliss wife of G eroge R. Bayliss mentioned in the foregoing Indenture who having been by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she executed the said Indenture as and for her act and deed without fear threat or compulsion of from or by her said husband and for a full release of all her claims to the land therein mentioned. And I do also certify that on the day month and year aforesaid before me the said Commissioner personally came and appeared John R. Worcey of Boston, Mass. a subscribing witness to the foregoing Indenture and made oath that John A. Bayliss, George R. Bayliss and May Ann Bayliss his wife duly signed sealed and executed the same in his province. On testimony whereof I have hereto my hand and subscribe and seal of Office affixed on the day and year first above written to the certificate. Signed Chas. Hall Adams (large gold seal affixed) Commissioner for the Province of Nova Scotia United States of America District of Columbia Washington S.S. (signed) A.S. Taylor of the City of Washington in the County of Washington in the District of Columbia in the United States of America Notary Public by legal authority duly admitted and sworn do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that on this twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty-six before me the said Notary personally came and appeared Margaret Vandoren of Washington aforesaid a subscribing witness to the foregoing Indenture and made oath that Lily Bayliss a party thereto duly executed the same in her presence. In testimony whereof I have hereto my Laws subscribe and seal of Office affixed on the day and year above mentioned. Signed A. S. Taylor Notary Public (large orange seal affixed) Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 3 Jany.1887 I certify that the within Instrument was duly registered at 11 a.m. of the above day in Book 88 pages 347,347 & 348 on the certificate of A.S. Taylor Not. Pub. and Chas. Hall Adams, Commr. John Ferguson Regr. Found on front of Deed Sticker CHAS.HALL ADAMS, Commissioner of Deeds of all the States, Territories and British Provinces NOTARY PUBLIC No. 5 Court Street, Boston, Mass.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15D - 1023B |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Lily Bayliss Widow of Pictou, John A. Bayliss Carpenter of Boston, George R. Bayliss of Boston Carpenter, Mary Ann Bayliss of Boston, Major William Bayliss of Washington D.C. Clerk, Beaches Road, Wellington Street, George J. Hamilton, James Little, A. S. Taylor, Margaret Vandoren, John R. Worsey, Martin McDonough, Chas. Hall Adams, 1886, 1887, |
Views: | 1118 |
Uploaded on: | February 2, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |