(Handwritten) 2nd. Deed Jotham Blanchard & wife to John Irvin Consr. (symbol for pounds ) 37.10.0 This Indenture made this second day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty four. Between Jotham Blanchard of Pictou, in the District of Pictou, Esquire and Margaret, his wife, of the one part; and John Irvin of the same place, Blockmaker of the other part Witnesseth that the said Jotham Blanchard for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty seven pounds ten shillings of lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand by the said John Irvin well and truly paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Hath Granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, enfeoffed and conformed and by these presents Doth grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Irvin his heirs and assigns forever. A certain lot or parcel of land situate in the Town Of Pictou and abutted bounded and described as follows, that is to say, Beginning on the south side of Church Street at the point where it is joined by the East side line of Margaret Street thence running south along said Margaret Street Twenty seven and a half feet, thence east twenty one feet more or less to the line of William Phare's lot, thence North thirty two feet more or less to Church Street aforesaid, thence westwardly the course of the same street both place of beginnings. With all and singular the ways, water, water courses, buildings, improvements, privileges and appurtenances to the said lot of land and premises belonging or in any wise ascertaining and the reversion, and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof together with all the Estate, Right, Title, Intent, Claim, Property and Demand of him the said Jotham Blanchard in to or upon the said premises or any part thereof. To Have and To Hold the said lot of land and premises and every part thereof with the privileges and appurtenances to him the said John Irvin his heirs and assigns to his and their own use benefit and behoof forever. And the said Jotham Blanchard for himself his heirs, Executors, administrators, and assigns Doth by these presents covenant promise and agree to and with the said John Irvin his heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns in manner and form following that is to say, that he the said Jotham Blanchard his heirs and assigns the said lot, piece or parcel of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said John Irvin his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person or persons whomsoever will warrant maintain and forever defend by their presents. And the said Margaret wife of the said Jotham Blanchard for and in consideration of the premises and of the sum of Five shillings to her in hand paid by the said John Irvin the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth remise, release, assign, transfer and set over unto the said John Irvin his heirs and assigns all her right, interest, and claim in and both said lot of land and premises above described and every part thereof which she now hath or hereafter may have in right of dower or otherwise. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals subscribed and set and the day and year first above written. Signed Jotham Blanchard and Margaret Blanchard (seal affixed) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of (signed) James Taylor and (signed) Janth*** Ives Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Deed of Indenture from the therein named John Irvin the sum of Thirty seven pounds and ten shillings, being the consideration money in the said Deed mentioned. Signed Jotham Blanchard Witness Signed Jonathan Jones On this Second day if June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty four Before me the Subscriber One of His Majesty's Justice of the Peace for the District of Pictou personally appeared ** Margaret Blanchard wife of the above named Jotham Blanchard who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she did freely and voluntarily and without any consultation from her said husband sign seal and execute the foregoing Deed of Indenture for the purpose therein mentioned. G. *** J.P. Jonathan Jones a subscribing witness to the within Deed, maketh oath and saith that he was personally present and saw this said Deed duly executed by the within names Jotham Blanchard. Signed Henry Hatton *** Registered at Pictou pursuant to Law in Life 7 folio 424 the 19th September 1835 on the Oath of Jonathan Jones by Hugh Denoon Dy. Regr.
File number: | 15D - 1022B |
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Tags: | Jotham Blanchard Esquire of Pictou, Margaret Blanchard, John Irvin Blockmaker of Pictou, Church Street, Margaret Street, William Phare, James Taylor, Jonathan Jones, 1834, 1835 |
Views: | 942 |
Uploaded on: | February 2, 2015 |