Description Quit Claim-Indenture

Quit Claim

Donald McKenzie


Kenneth McKenzie

30th March 1839



This indenture made this thirteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, between Donald McKenzie of the Green Hill in the county of Pictou and province of Nova Scotia, _, of the one part, and Kenneth McKenzie, his brother, of the place county and province aforesaid of the other part – witneseth-

That the aid Donald McKenzie, for, and in consideration of the sum of three pounds lawful money of Nova Scotia, to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Kenneth McKenzie the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted bargained sold revised and forever quited claim, and by these presents doth grant bargain, sell, remise and forever quit claim _ the said Kenneth McKenzie his heirs and assigns. All that certain lot piece or _ of land situate lying an being on the Green Hill aforesaid (being the north half of a lot of land owned by Angus McKenzie their father at his decease). _ and bounded as follows, that is to say, beginning on the old Philadelphia line, at the angle formed on the east side by the south side line of land lately owned by Robert Stewart, thence south seventy two and one fourth degrees east twenty chains on said line or until it meets Finlay McDonald’s lands, thence south eight degrees west ten chains to Brown Ash Gorman, thence on said McDonalds south side line south seventy two and one forth degrees east fifty chains to main road, thence north eight degrees east ten chains, thence from road on William Matheson’s south line south seventy two and a fourth degrees east fifty chains twenty links to a rock maple tree marked as a corner to these perimeters, thence south six and three fourth degrees west on Kenneth Frasers west line twenty three chains thirty nine links to a stake and stones four feet to the south east of a small fir tree, thence north seventy two and a fourth degrees west sixteen chains fifty links to high road, thence south nine degrees west four chains twenty five links, thence north sixty nine and one fourth degrees west close past apple tree in face of hill to east side of _ (and on north side of spring) four chains, thence south thirteen and three fourth degrees west one chain, thence north seventy two and one fourth degrees west twenty two chains and twenty five links to Hemlock corner thence north three and three fourth degrees east  eleven chains and sixty four links to stake, thence north seventy two and one fourth degrees west twenty two chains and twenty five links to Hemlock corner, thence north three and three fourth degrees east fours chains and eighty two links to spruce corner, thence north seventy two and one fourth degree west eighteen chains seventy five links to old Philadelphia Line, thence north four degrees east to the place of beginning, (Courses all by magnet) containing one hundred and twenty three acres more or less – together with all and singular the houses, out houses, buildings and improvements, woods, ways, waters, water courses, rents, issues, and profits there belonging or in any arise appertaining unto the said Kenneth McKenzie his heirs and assigns forever. Never the less the said Donald McKenzie still reserving unto himself his heirs and assigns the privilege of cutting and hauling away whatever hardwood he may need for firewood for his own use yearly and every year, (this privilege being free to each party on each lot). While any firewood remains on the east side of a north course from the north east corner of a lot of land owned by one J. Elliot (and originally belonging to his block) to Finlay McDonalds land. Also the said Donald McKenzie and Kenneth McKenzie are to have an equal share of the fruit which may grow yearly on the fruit trees now existing during the term of years the present trees my yield fruit. And the said Donald McKenzie for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns doth herby grant remise and forever quit claim to the before described premises with the apertainees, excepting the said reservations. To have and to hold the said lot piece or parcel of land and premises with the appertains, excepting the said reservations, unto the said Kenneth McKenzie, his heirs, executors, administrations, and assigns to his and their proper use benefit and behalf forever. In witness thereof the said Donald McKenzie and Mary his wife (in token of her relinquishment of Dower, in, to, or upon the said premises) hath _ their lands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above and before written.


Signed sealed and delivered in presents of us (no name written)      




Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture from the therein named Kenneth McKenzie the sum of three pounds being the full consideration money therein mentioned.





  of Pictou Mrs. Mary McKenzie, wife of Donald McKenzie (being the parties in the foregoing indenture) and being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband, declared, and acknowledged, that she freely and voluntarily, and without force or compulsion from her said husband signed sealed and executed the said indenture, as and for the purposes therein mentioned.              

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File number: 99-91-2
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: McKenzie, Indenture, Angus, Kenneth, Donald, 1839, quit claim
Views: 843
Uploaded on: July 20, 2015

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