(Handwritten) Deed Charles Arbuckles To John and William Arbuckles This Indenture made this Eighth day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven by and between Charles Arbuckles of Merigomish in the County of Pictou, Tailor, of the first part and John Arbuckles and William Arbuckles of Merigomish, aforesaid Farmers, of the second part Witnesses that the said Charles Arbuckles for and in consideration of the sum of Forty pounds of Lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and of the Reservation hereinafter Contained Hath Granted bargained sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell alien remise release convey and conform unto the said John Arbuckles and William Arbuckles their heirs and assigns all that lot of land of the late Charles Arbuckles, deceased, situate near the ponds in the Township of Maxwellton and County of Pictou excepting and Reserving to the said Charles to his use and benefit four acres of tillage land out of said farm lot above described for and during and unto the end of his natural life after which time to be to the said John and William their heirs and assigns with all and singular the buildings and erections thereon, ways water, water courses rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining together with all the Estate right title interest inheritance property and demand whatsoever of him the said Charles Arbuckles of in to upon and out of the said lot of land both at Law and in Equity except as above Reserved with the Rents issues and profits thereof To Have and To Hold the above described lot of land and every part and parcel thereof except as herein reserved to them the said John Arbuckles and William Arbuckles their heirs and assigns to the absolute benefit use and behoof of them the said John Arbuckles and William Arbuckles their and each of their his executors administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof the parties hereto have their hands an seals hereunto set and affixed at Merigomish aforesaid the day and year above written. Signed X his mark Charles Arbuckles (seal attached) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of --the word "April" second line first page having been first scored out and the word "May" interlined. Signed Geo. M.A. Lowden Received from the above named John Arbuckles and William Arbuckles the sum of forty pounds currency being the full consideration money in the above Indenture mentioned to be by them paid to me. Merigomish 8th. May, 1857. Signed X his mark Charles Arbuckles Signed Geo. M.A. Lowden
File number: | 15D - 1000A |
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Tags: | Charles Arbuckles of Merigomish Tailor, John Arbuckles, William Arbuckles, Geo. M. A. Lowden, Merigomish, 1857, |
Views: | 839 |
Uploaded on: | January 31, 2015 |