Description Titles to John Brown

“John Brown, their heirs, and assigns for ever provided they pay 20% each to her other children John, William, Edward, and Thomas, and other debts referred to I the will. The will was witnessed by William Corbet, Israel Styles and William H. Harris.

By deed of 11th September 1834, John Harris for $170 conveyed to John Brown [in fee?] that part of his lot or share No. 1 lying between the old road and the harbour containing 24 acres, reg. 73 March 1827 in Brook, 21 [folio?] 588.

It thus appears that “Brown’s Farm” consists of 3 lots in all 84 acres & deeds, 24 offices he purchased in his sole name from John Harris and the other two lots 36 & 24 acres were conveyed and devised to him and his wife in fee.

John Brown by deed of 29 Nov. 1870 can [veyed?] the whole farm to his daughter Jane Harris Brown. The deed was written and witnessed by me on the day of its date. He delivered it with her with his own hand and they requested me to keep it until Miss Brown wished it recorded. It was registered in 1 Nove. 1871 Book 62. Pages 136, 137.


A question may arise as to John Brown rightly survivorship with his wife’s half or interest in lots No. 2 and 3. The present land declares joint tenancies and the tenancies and [commune?] and has also a retrospective operation. “

File Location

Original Material, Box #7

File number: 77-290b
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: John Harris, Janet Harris, John Brown, Harris, Brown, Pictou, titles
Views: 821
Uploaded on: July 18, 2015

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