Description Titles to John Brown

First page:

“Titles to John Brown; farm Town Gut

Thomas Harris [tumon?] owned two lots of land of 300 and 200 acres near the Town Gut and on both sides of it. He died [intertabe?] leaving his widow Alice and the following 5 children

John Harris
Janet, wife of John Brown
William Harris
Edward Harris and
Thomas Harris

By indenture of [his?] part dated the 18 July 1821 executed by the said Alice, John, Janet and John Brown, William, Edward, and Thomas and Registered with the Court of Probate 20 July 1821 with the Registry Board of Administration Court of Probate page 2. Partition was made of said lands among the said parties the Indenture reciting that the widow Alice [in lieu] of her dower with the whole should have a partition [sel of p with] her in [fee] which was [dare] she releasing her dower on the remainder – A plan of the lands as divided was made by Thomas Harris [laced] surveyor and lot No 2 of said plan containing 24 acres was by said deed allotted released and [caraeyed] with the said widow Alice [and fee]”



Second page:

“By the [sawe] deed of Partition lot No. 3, 26 acres was allotted and [carveyed] to John Brown and [saue] Brown, his wife, their heirs and assigns.


Alice Harris by her will dated 1st August 1821 [devised] her lot No. 2 24 acres to her daughter Janet and her husband.”

File Location

Original Material, Box #7

File number: 77-290a
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: John Brown, John Harris, Harris, Pictou, titles
Views: 745
Uploaded on: July 18, 2015

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