Description Letter written by William McKay


14th Mary 1855


My dear Grand Uncle


Invite you these few lines hoping they will receive find you enjoying a portion of good health. I have been rather disappointed since I came to this country a great deal to do but little in return indeed. I thought I should have been back to American often before now but I have to take care of my Mother who is now getting very frail it is very likely I shall remain for a time in this Country. I intend to get my son William home to this country and I would take it at a favour from you in addition to all that you have already shown me that if you are called upon by Charles M’Kay that you would advance money to pay his passage and expenses and I would remit the money to you immediately on receipt of your note of expenses. I knew that Angus was not at home and that is the reason that I write you. Larig [?] Archibald and all friends are well. Would you be kind enough in your note to tell where the Minister is just now and how the people and he disagree [?] and who were the parties who caused the disunion. My Mother writes in kind love to you.

I remain yours truly

William M’Kay”



“Mr. John Sutherland Sen.

Roger Hill

By Pictou

N.S.      North America”

File Location

Original Material, Box #7

File number: 78-032
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: William McKay, McKay, John Sutherland, Sutherland, letter, Charles McKay, Roger's HIll
Views: 746
Uploaded on: July 17, 2015

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