Description Poetry bt Evan R. Fraser

The Holocaust (on the Queens Hotel fire)


When people calmly slept that late morn,

And felt securely in the Queens Hotel,

Yet undisturbed by trials of the day,

No thought had they, but all with them was well.


When suddenly a bitter cry rang out,

Fire! Fire! Then panic stricken people gazed

With horror real on that heart breaking scene,

As soon to the ground the building was razed.


Brave men and willing hands were able to help,

And did the best they could to rescue all,

Responding to the frantic anguished cries,

Of those who faced deaths awful dark appal.


But many fell that day to rise no more,

With then the Rubicon _ time was passed,

Some old, some young and strong in life’s full prime,

Met the grim reaper in that Holocaust.


Now lend us all your deepest sympathy,

To these whose hearts are torn with sorest grief,

Look to the source from whence true comfort comes,

There only in this dark hour you’ll find relief.

-Evan R. Fraser





Be With Us Still


O God of truth, of love, and light,

Come to our hearts today

Restore to us a sense of right,

And take our sins away.

O God of truth be with us still

Our hearts with love and wisdom fill.


Remember Lord that we are dust

Before thy holy eye,

Give us now a will to trust,

And on thy word rely.

O God of truth be with us still

Our hearts and minds with love instill.


O God of mercy we have failed,

And far have gone astray,

Sin of time o’er us lies prevailed

And left us in dismay.

O God of truth be with us still

Make us to know thy holy will.


Not of ourselves can we _,

Nor wrong that we have done,

But in thy strength O Lord above,

The battle can we won.

O God of truth be with us still

Our hearts with love and wisdom fill.

-Evan R. Fraser







‘Tis eventide, and in you wes’ren sky,

The sun declined beyond the horizon vast:

And in that scene I know that God is nigh

As o’er the world his mighty spell is cast.


That same great light through aeous of the past.

Pursued its onward sweet and silent course,

True to its path unvaried held firm and fast,

Dependent on the everlasting source.


I gazed upon the scene, at once sublime,

With mind transfixed in glowing ecstasy,

In all of this is see the hand divine

Which shaped earth’s form and holds it constantly.


How beautiful is eventide, when I behold

Soft, fleecy clouds far up I the great blue;

And on their rim rich streaks of shining old,’

Which does the mind with happy though endue.


Come, view with me the setting sun’s bright form,,

As if reflects upon whose_ hills,

To the _ of God is does conform,

In his creation a wondrous place _.


Great splendor spreads before the visioned eye,

As depths of colors now unfolds to view,

A peaceful silence all around doth lie,

Waiting with calmness for the falling dew.


The scene is perfect, words cannot express,

The beauty of the landscape everywhere,

Nature is garbed in all her loveliness;

And offers to her Maker _ Prayer.


I love to watch the lingering rays go dim,

As twiklight comes with quickened pace,

And far above life’s noise and constant din

The eternal speaks saying, seek ye my face.


Go _ through his divine _ law;

For in his great kingdom there is now flaw,

The mighty forces are _ his command,

Now as the shadows of the night do gently fall.


On hill and vale at God’s supreme behest.

A solemn bush comes quietly over all;

And birds and beasts and flowers, retire to rest.

-Evan R. Fraser





Light Out Of Darkness


Across the world’s sad darkened face,

We see deep marks of pain,

Each nation striving in the race,

Supremacy to gain.


War clouds be dim a brightened sky,

And threats fly thick and fast,

In real millions must die

Before wars withering blast.


But yet as ages roll along,

Despite the shame and loss,

The lamp of hope, burns steadily on,

From the uplifted cross.


For there before the taunts of men,

The price of sin was paid,

The crushing weight of sin was then

Upon the slaver laid.


And as he died the people say,

We’ll hear no more of him,

Not realizing from that day,

A new life did begin.


And when they out him in the grave,

They thought their work was done,

The fiendish thing which they did crave,

Successfully had won.


But from the tomb of dark despair,

Jesus came forth in power,

The one who did death’s trails share.

Is now the conqueror.


Light out of _, Easter morn.

Still brings a gladsome day,

Because the power of death is shorn

Of sadness and dismay.

-Evan R. Fraser







All ye who tread the King’s highway,

You must be calm and cool,

You cannot tell which may come first,

A wise man or a fool.


Or, whether on the road or street,

Where people walk or ride

You must be always on the watch,

Lest you be caught broadside.


Yes, danger lurks at every turn,

When speed fiends are at large,

The chances are you may be struck,

Then towed to a garage.


Then let your mind be trained to act,

Your eyes show you’re alive,

Somebody may be at the wheel

Who it not fit to drive.


As you pursue your daily tasks,

With honest heart and mind,

Or just to make a friendly call

Perchance you are inclined.


Now take this tip when going out;

Give speeders lots of room,

They acted as if they owned the road,

As o’er the road they zoom.


-Evan R. Fraser

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File number: 77-26-1-D
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: , Evan R. Fraser, Poetry, Pictou
Views: 652
Uploaded on: July 17, 2015

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